final orbit

final orbit
мат. конечная орбита

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "final orbit" в других словарях:

  • Orbit Magazine — (or Orbit) was a Detroit area publication that billed itself as an alt newsweekly, with neither news or a weekly schedule. Contents 1 History 2 Pop References 3 Legacy 4 References …   Wikipedia

  • Orbit (mascot) — Orbit was the name given to Major League Baseball s Houston Astros former mascot, a lime green outer space creature wearing an Astros jersey with antennae extending into baseballs. Orbit was the teams official mascot from the 1990 through the… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbit-Hospital — Die als Orbit Hospital bezeichnete Reihe von Romanen und Kurzgeschichten, wurde von James White, einem nordirischen Science Fiction Autor, geschaffen. White verfasste im Laufe einiger Jahrzehnte viele Kurzgeschichten und Romane über das Orbit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Orbit Hospital — Die als Orbit Hospital bezeichnete Reihe von Romanen und Kurzgeschichten, wurde von James White, einem nordirischen Science Fiction Autor, geschaffen. White verfasste im Laufe einiger Jahrzehnte viele Kurzgeschichten und Romane über das Orbit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • final — [[t]fa͟ɪn(ə)l[/t]] ♦ finals 1) ADJ: det ADJ In a series of events, things, or people, the final one is the last one. Astronauts will make a final attempt today to rescue a communications satellite from its useless orbit... This is the fifth and… …   English dictionary

  • Final Mission — ST episode name = Final Mission Wes, Dirgo and Picard in Final Mission . series = TNG ep num = 83 prod num = 183 date = December 2 1990 writer = Kasey Arnold Ince Jeri Taylor director = Corey Allen guest = Nick Tate Kim Hamilton Mary Kohnert… …   Wikipedia

  • Hohmann transfer orbit — In astronautics and aerospace engineering, the Hohmann transfer orbit is an orbital maneuver using two engine impulses which, under standard assumptions, move a spacecraft between two coplanar circular orbits. This maneuver was named after Walter …   Wikipedia

  • Parking orbit — A parking orbit is a temporary orbit used during the launch of a satellite or other space probe. A launch vehicle boosts into the parking orbit, then coasts for a while, then fires again to enter the final desired trajectory. The alternative to a …   Wikipedia

  • ArcelorMittal Orbit — The structure in November 2011 General information Status Constructed Type …   Wikipedia

  • William Orbit — Datos generales Nombre real William Mark Wainwright Nacimiento 15 de diciembre de 1956 (54 años) Origen Shoreditch …   Wikipedia Español

  • Single-stage-to-orbit — The VentureStar was a proposed SSTO spaceplane. A single stage to orbit (or SSTO) vehicle reaches orbit from the surface of a body without jettisoning hardware, expending only propellants and fluids. The term usually, but not exclusively, refers… …   Wikipedia

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