final calculation

final calculation
мат. окончательный расчет

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "final calculation" в других словарях:

  • Final Multiple Score — Final Multiple Score, or FMS, is a calculation used by the United States Navy to determine whether or not enlisted sailors of the paygrades E 3, E 4, E 5, or E 6 are eligible to advance to the next paygrade. It involves six different categories… …   Wikipedia

  • final clause — in grammar, is a clause that states a purpose, especially when introduced by a formula such as to, in order to, in order that, so as to, in the hope that, etc.: • He turned on the plane s radio, in order to hear the traffic controller New Yorker …   Modern English usage

  • final firing data calculation — galutinių šaudymo nuostatų skaičiavimas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Sviedinio, užtaiso, sprogdiklio, vėduoklės, trajektorijos parinkimas pagal taikinio pobūdį ir šaudymo nuostatų apskaičiavimas atsižvelgiant į balistinių, topogeodezinių… …   Artilerijos terminų žodynas

  • Calculation Agent — Agent de calcul Un agent de calcul, ou calculation agent en anglais, est une personne travaillant au sein d une Banque de Financement et d Investissement, intégrée au middle office OTC (over the counter), et intervenant principalement sur des… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • final salary scheme — The calculation of your pension on retirement is based on a fraction of your pensionable earnings for each year you ve been a member of the pension scheme. The most common fraction used is 1/6th and if you had been a member of the scheme from the …   Financial and business terms

  • pending final settlement — the final calculation has not yet been made, the full portion is not yet ready …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Mental calculation — comprises arithmetical calculations using only the human brain, with no help from calculators, computers, or pen and paper. People use mental calculation when computing tools are not available, when it is faster than other means of calculation… …   Wikipedia

  • Automatic calculation of particle interaction or decay — The automatic calculation of particle interaction or decay is part of the computational particle physics branch. It refers to computing tools that help calculating the complex particle interactions as studied in high energy physics, astroparticle …   Wikipedia

  • Economic calculation problem — The economic calculation problem is a criticism of socialist economics. It was first proposed by Ludwig von Mises in 1920 and later expounded by Friedrich Hayek.cite book title= Economic calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth accessdate=2008… …   Wikipedia

  • Early VFL Final systems — The perceived need for a structured final system was, perhaps, the most important single reason that eight senior clubs broke away from the Victorian Football Association (VFA) in 1896, and formed the Victorian Football League (VFL) in 1897.The… …   Wikipedia

  • Glass batch calculation — or glass batching is used to determine the correct mix of raw materials (batch) for a glass melt.PrincipleThe raw materials mixture for glass melting is termed batch . The batch calculation is based on the common linear regression equation:NB =… …   Wikipedia

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