- filtrate invasion
- проникновение фильтрата (бурового раствора)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
invasion depth — The depth to which drilling mud filtrate penetrates into a formation [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Drilling fluid invasion — is a process that occurs in a well being drilled with higher wellbore pressure than formation pressure. The liquid component of the drilling fluid (known as the mud filtrate) continues to invade the porous and permeable formation until the solids … Wikipedia
Formation evaluation — In petroleum exploration and development, formation evaluation is used to determine the ability of a borehole to produce petroleum. Essentially, it is the process of recognizing a commercial well when you drill one .Modern rotary drilling usually … Wikipedia
Spontaneous potential logging — The spontaneous potential log, commonly called the self potential log or SP log, is a measurement taken by oil industry well loggers to characterise rock formation properties. The log works by measuring small electric potentials (measured in… … Wikipedia
Spontaneous potential — In the field of formation evaluation, spontaneous potential (SP) is a naturally occurring electric potential difference in the Earth, measured by an electrode in a borehole relative to a fixed reference electrode on the surface. SP was first… … Wikipedia
Drilling fluid — This article is about fluids used when drilling a well. For fluids used with drill bits during metal working, see cutting fluid. Driller pouring a foaming agent down the rod string on a drilling rig In geotechnical engineering, drilling fluid is… … Wikipedia
poison — poisoner, n. poisonless, adj. poisonlessness, n. /poy zeuhn/, n. 1. a substance with an inherent property that tends to destroy life or impair health. 2. something harmful or pernicious, as to happiness or well being: the poison of slander. 3.… … Universalium
Drilling mud — In geotechnical engineering, drilling mud, also known as spud mud (when beginning the drilling process), is a drilling fluid used to drill boreholes into the earth. Often used while drilling oil and natural gas wells and on exploration drilling… … Wikipedia
Plant virus — Plant viruses are viruses affecting plants.Plant viruses, like all other viruses, are obligate intracellular parasites that do not have the molecular machinery to replicate without the host. The plant viruses are defined as viruses pathogenic to… … Wikipedia
Penicillin — For the Japanese band, see Penicillin (band). Penicillin core structure. The R is the variable group. Penicillin (sometimes abbreviated PCN or pen) is a group of antibiotics derived from Penicillium fungi.[1] They include … Wikipedia
Soy milk — (also called soya milk, soybean milk, or soy juice) and sometimes referred to as soy drink/beverage is a beverage made from soy beans. A stable emulsion of oil, water and protein, it is produced by soaking dry soybeans, and grinding them with… … Wikipedia