
фильтрующийся поддающийся фильтрованию (бактериология) фильтрующийся - * virus фильтрующийся вирус

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "filterable" в других словарях:

  • filterable — [fil′tər ə bəl] adj. that can be filtered filterability n …   English World dictionary

  • filterable — /ˈfɪltərəbəl/ (say filtuhruhbuhl) adjective 1. capable of being filtered. 2. Bacteriology capable of passing through bacteria retaining filters: a filterable virus. Also, filtrable /ˈfɪltrəbəl/ (say filtruhbuhl) …  

  • filterable — filter ► NOUN 1) a porous device for removing solid particles from a liquid or gas passed through it. 2) a screen, plate, or layer which absorbs some of the light passing through it. 3) Brit. an arrangement at a junction whereby vehicles may turn …   English terms dictionary

  • filterable virus — also filtrable virus n any of the infectious agents that pass through a filter esp. of diatomite or unglazed porcelain with the filtrate and remain virulent and that include the viruses as presently understood and various other groups (as the… …   Medical dictionary

  • filterable virus — n. any virus: so called because most viruses are capable of passing through fine filters that bacteria cannot pass through …   English World dictionary

  • filterable virus — Virus Vi rus, n. [L., a slimy liquid, a poisonous liquid, poison, stench; akin to Gr. ? poison, Skr. visha. Cf. {Wizen}, v. i.] 1. (Med.) Contagious or poisonous matter, as of specific ulcers, the bite of snakes, etc.; applied to organic poisons …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • filterable virus — noun or filtrable virus : any of the infectious agents that remain virulent after a fluid containing them passes through a filter of diatomite or unglazed porcelain and that include the viruses as presently understood and various other groups (as …   Useful english dictionary

  • filterable — also filtrable adjective Date: 1908 capable of being filtered or of passing through a filter • filterability noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • filterable — filterability, filterableness, n. /fil teuhr euh beuhl/, adj. 1. capable of being filtered. 2. Microbiol. capable of passing through bacteria retaining filters. Also, filtrable. [1905 10; FILTER + ABLE] * * * …   Universalium

  • filterable — adjective a) Able to be separated by filtration b) That can pass through a specified filter …   Wiktionary

  • filterable — fil·ter·able also fil·tra·ble fil t(ə )rə bəl adj capable of being filtered or of passing through a filter fil·ter·abil·i·ty .fil t(ə )rə bil ət ē n, pl ties * * * fil·ter·a·ble (filґtər ə bəl) capable of passing through the pores… …   Medical dictionary

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