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Смотреть что такое "film-on-frame" в других словарях:

  • Film-out — is the process in the computer graphics, video and filmmaking disciplines of transferring images or animation from videotape or digital files to a traditional celluloid film print. Film out is a broad term that encompasses the conversion of frame …   Wikipedia

  • Frame rate — Frame rate, or frame frequency, is the measurement of the frequency (rate) at which an imaging device produces unique consecutive images called frames. The term applies equally well to computer graphics, video cameras, film cameras, and motion… …   Wikipedia

  • Film perforations — Film perforations, also known as perfs, are the holes placed in the film stock during manufacturing and used for transporting (via sprockets and claws) and steadying (via pin registration) the film. Films may have different types of perforations… …   Wikipedia

  • Film speed — is the measure of a photographic film s sensitivity to light, determined by sensitometry and measured on various numerical scales, the most recent being the ISO system. A closely related ISO system is used to measure the sensitivity of digital… …   Wikipedia

  • frame — [frām] vt. framed, framing [ME framen < frame, a structure, frame, prob. < ON frami, profit, benefit, akin to frama, to further < fram, forward (akin to OE fram, FROM); some senses < OE framian, to be helpful: see FURNISH] 1. to shape …   English World dictionary

  • Film editing — is part of the creative post production process of filmmaking. It involves the selection and combining of shots into sequences, and ultimately creating a finished motion picture. It is an art of storytelling. Film editing is the only art that is… …   Wikipedia

  • frame´less — frame «fraym», noun, verb, framed, fram|ing. –n. 1. a support over which something is stretched or built; framework: »the frame of a house. 2. anything made of parts fitted and joined together; structure or system: »His [Milton s] death dissolved …   Useful english dictionary

  • frame´a|ble — frame «fraym», noun, verb, framed, fram|ing. –n. 1. a support over which something is stretched or built; framework: »the frame of a house. 2. anything made of parts fitted and joined together; structure or system: »His [Milton s] death dissolved …   Useful english dictionary

  • Frame — ist in der Hauptbedeutung ein vom englischen Wort frame (dt.: Rahmen, Gestell) stammendes Fremdwort, das in verschiedenen Zusammenhängen verwendet wird: als Abstraktum: den sichtbaren Bildausschnitt eines Films Einzelbilder in Filmen, Animationen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • frame — ► NOUN 1) a rigid structure surrounding a picture, door, etc. 2) (frames) a metal or plastic structure holding the lenses of a pair of glasses. 3) the rigid supporting structure of a vehicle, piece of furniture, or other object. 4) a person s… …   English terms dictionary

  • Frame, Set & Match — (FSM) is a post production facility based in Sydney, Australia. Established in 1984 by Stephen Dunn and Rick Schweikert, FSM has developed from small operations to become a major producer and participant in film, television and design throughout… …   Wikipedia

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