fill in details

fill in details
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fill in details" в других словарях:

  • fill — [fil] vt. [ME fillen, fullen < OE fyllan < Gmc * fulljan, to make full < * fulla (> Goth fulls, FULL1) + jan, caus. suffix] 1. a) to put as much as possible into; make full b) to put a considerable quantity of something into [to fill… …   English World dictionary

  • Fill Metallbau Stadion — Osttribüne 2004 (Testspiel gegen Bayern München) Daten Ort …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • fill in something — fill in (something) 1. to give written answers to questions on a computer or on paper. Fill in the entire form and then click “submit.” If you have left out a date, first name, or other information, fill it in. 2. to complete a plan or idea. That …   New idioms dictionary

  • fill in — (something) 1. to give written answers to questions on a computer or on paper. Fill in the entire form and then click “submit.” If you have left out a date, first name, or other information, fill it in. 2. to complete a plan or idea. That s the… …   New idioms dictionary

  • fill — fill1 [ fıl ] verb *** ▸ 1 make something full ▸ 2 become full of something ▸ 3 put something in hole/gap ▸ 4 about sound/smell/light ▸ 5 be given job/position ▸ 6 feel emotion strongly ▸ 7 spend time doing something ▸ 8 put something in hole in… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • fill in — verb 1. supply with information on a specific topic (Freq. 4) He filled me in on the latest developments • Hypernyms: ↑inform • Verb Frames: Somebody s somebody 2. represent the effect of shade or shadow on (Freq. 1) …   Useful english dictionary

  • fill in — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you fill in a form or other document requesting information, you write information in the spaces on it. [mainly BRIT] [V n P] If you want your free copy of the Patients Charter fill this form in... [V P n (not pron)] Fill in… …   English dictionary

  • fill in — phrasal verb Word forms fill in : present tense I/you/we/they fill in he/she/it fills in present participle filling in past tense filled in past participle filled in 1) [transitive] to add information such as your name or address in the empty… …   English dictionary

  • fill — fill1 W1S1 [fıl] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(become/make full)¦ 2¦(large thing/number)¦ 3¦(sound/smell/light)¦ 4¦(emotions)¦ 5¦(provide something)¦ 6¦(spend time)¦ 7¦(perform a job)¦ 8¦(crack/hole)¦ 9 fill yourself (up)/fill your face …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • fill — /fɪl / (say fil) verb (t) 1. to make full; put as much as can be held into. 2. to occupy to the full capacity: water filled the basin; the crowd filled the hall. 3. to supply to fullness or plentifully: to fill a house with furniture; to fill the …  

  • fill — verb 1》 make or become full.     ↘block up (a hole, gap, etc.).     ↘(of a sail) curve out tautly from its supports as the wind blows into it. 2》 pervade (a place or the air).     ↘cause to experience a feeling. 3》 appoint a person to (a vacant… …   English new terms dictionary

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