file one's petition in bankruptcy

file one's petition in bankruptcy
объявить себя несостоятельным должником

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "file one's petition in bankruptcy" в других словарях:

  • bankruptcy — bank·rupt·cy / baŋ ˌkrəp sē/ n pl cies 1: the quality or state of a bankrupt filed for bankruptcy 2: the administration of an insolvent debtor s property by the court for the benefit of the debtor s creditors the debt was discharged in bankruptcy …   Law dictionary

  • petition — pe·ti·tion 1 n 1: a formal written request made to an official person or body (as a court or board) a petition for equitable relief the creditor filed a petition for involuntary bankruptcy 2: a document embodying a formal written request petition …   Law dictionary

  • Bankruptcy — Notice of closure attached to the door of a computer store the day after its parent company declared bankruptcy (strictly, put into administration see text) in the United Kingdom. Bankruptcy is a legal status of an insolvent person or an… …   Wikipedia

  • Bankruptcy in the United States — The United States Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4) authorizes Congress to enact uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States. Congress has exercised this authority several times since 1801, most recently… …   Wikipedia

  • file — /faɪl/ noun 1. a cardboard holder for documents, which can fit in the drawer of a filing cabinet ● Put these letters in the customer file. ● Look in the file marked ‘Scottish sales’. 2. documents kept for reference ♦ to place something on file to …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (US) — Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act Full title An Act to amend title 11 of the United States Code, and for other purposes. Acronym BAPCPA Colloquial name(s) Bankruptcy Reform Enacted by the …   Wikipedia

  • Bankruptcy alternatives — Bankruptcy is a legally declared inability or impairment of ability of an individual or organization to pay their creditors. In most cases personal bankruptcy is initiated by the bankrupt individual. Bankruptcy is a legal process that discharges… …   Wikipedia

  • bankruptcy — /bangk rupt see, reuhp see/, n., pl. bankruptcies. 1. the state of being or becoming bankrupt. 2. utter ruin, failure, depletion, or the like. [1690 1700; BANKRUPT + CY] * * * Status of a debtor who has been declared by judicial process to be… …   Universalium

  • Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act — The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (USStatute|109|8|119|23|2005|04|20), providing for significant changes in bankruptcy in the United States, was passed by the 109th United States Congress on April 14, 2005 and… …   Wikipedia

  • Petition mill — A petition mill is a fraud in which the perpetrator poses as a financial advisor, sometimes as a credit counselor or paralegal, filing hastily prepared bankruptcy documents in the name of victims who come to the advisor as clients. The bankruptcy …   Wikipedia

  • file — ▪ I. file file 1 [faɪl] noun [countable] 1. information about a person or subject that is kept by a company or other organization: • I see from my files that we still have not received payment from you. • A credit reference agency is a company… …   Financial and business terms

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