- figurative meaning
- образное, переносное, метафорическое значение
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
figurative — [ˈfɪgərətɪv] adj a figurative meaning is not the usual LITERAL meaning of a word or phrase, but makes a description more interesting ‘My love is like a red, red rose is an example of the figurative use of language.[/ex] figuratively adv … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
meaning — Mana o, mana o nui, ano. ♦ Literal meaning, mana o maoli, mana o pili pono. ♦ Hidden, figurative meaning, kaona, mana o ho onalonalo, mana o ho onanenane, mana o ho opilipili (see ex., kolopā, ōhea1). ♦ Principal meaning, mana o nui … English-Hawaiian dictionary
meaning — meaning, sense, acceptation, signification, significance, import are comparable when they denote the idea which something (as a word, a passage, a facial expression, an action, or a situation) conveys to the mind or is intended to convey to the… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
meaning — n. 1) to misconstrue a meaning 2) an accepted; basic; clear; connotative; double, equivocal; figurative; literal; obscure meaning 3) grammatical; lexical; referential meaning 4) in a meaning (in the accepted meaning of the word) * * * [ miːnɪŋ]… … Combinatory dictionary
meaning — noun 1 what sth means ADJECTIVE ▪ clear, exact, precise ▪ The context makes the meaning clear. ▪ What is the exact meaning of this phrase? ▪ intended … Collocations dictionary
figurative — [[t]fɪ̱gərətɪv, AM gjər [/t]] 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n If you use a word or expression in a figurative sense, you use it with a more abstract or imaginative meaning than its ordinary literal one. ...an event that will change your route in both the… … English dictionary
figurative — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Characterized by symbolism and imagery Nouns 1. figurativeness, figure of speech, figurative language, device; metaphor, conceit, euphuism; dead metaphor, mixed metaphor; way of speaking, colloquialism,… … English dictionary for students
figurative — fig|u|ra|tive [ˈfıgjurətıv, gə ] adj 1.) a figurative word or phrase is used in a different way from its usual meaning, to give you a particular idea or picture in your mind →↑literal ▪ He s my son, in the figurative sense of the word. 2.)… … Dictionary of contemporary English
figurative — fig|u|ra|tive [ fıgjərətıv ] adjective 1. ) if you use words in a figurative way, you use them not in their normal LITERAL meaning but in a way that makes a description more interesting or impressive 2. ) figurative art represents people, objects … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
figurative — UK [ˈfɪɡərətɪv] / US [ˈfɪɡjərətɪv] adjective 1) linguistics if you use words in a figurative way, you use them not in their normal literal meaning but in a way that makes a description more interesting or impressive 2) art figurative art… … English dictionary
figurative — adj. Figurative is used with these nouns: ↑art, ↑artist, ↑expression, ↑language, ↑meaning, ↑painter, ↑painting, ↑sculpture, ↑sense, ↑usage, ↑work … Collocations dictionary