fight a duel

fight a duel
драться на дуэли

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fight a duel" в других словарях:

  • Duel — • This word, as used both in the ecclesiastical and civil criminal codes, generally signifies every contest with deadly weapons which takes place by agreement between two persons on account of some private quarrel Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Duel and Duality — The duelling theme of the episode is illustrated by the titlecard artwork. Episode no. Series 3 Episode 6 …   Wikipedia

  • duel — [do͞o′əl, dyo͞o′əl] n. [ME duelle < ML duellum < OL dvellum (L bellum), war < IE base * dāu , *deu , to injure, destroy, burn > Sans dū, pain, OE teona, harm] 1. a formal fight between two persons armed with deadly weapons: it is… …   English World dictionary

  • duel — ► NOUN 1) historical a pre arranged contest with deadly weapons between two people to settle a point of honour. 2) a contest between two parties. ► VERB (duelled, duelling; US dueled, dueling) ▪ fight a duel …   English terms dictionary

  • Duel — For other uses, see Duel (disambiguation). Drawing of a duel fought with foils in the Bois de Boulogne in 1874 …   Wikipedia

  • fight — Synonyms and related words: Olympic games, Olympics, a outrance, action, aerial combat, affray, against, aggression, aggressiveness, agonize, altercate, altercation, antagonism, antagonize, argue, argument, armored combat, avoid, bandy with,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • duel — n. 1) to fight a duel 2) to challenge smb. to a duel 3) a duel to the death * * * [ dju(ː)əl] a duel to the death to challenge smb. to a duel to fight a duel …   Combinatory dictionary

  • duel — 1. noun 1) he was killed in a duel Syn: affair of honor; single combat; (sword) fight, confrontation, face off, shoot out 2) a chess duel Syn: contest, match, game, meet, encounter …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • duel — [[t]dju͟ːəl, AM du͟ː [/t]] duels, duelling, duelled (in AM, use dueling, dueled) 1) N COUNT A duel is a formal fight between two people in which they use guns or swords in order to settle a quarrel. He killed a man in one duel and was himself… …   English dictionary

  • duel — du|el1 [ˈdju:əl US ˈdu:əl] n [Date: 1400 1500; : Medieval Latin; Origin: duellum, from (influenced by duo two ) Latin bellum war ] 1.) a fight with weapons between two people, used in the past to settle a quarrel ▪ The officer challenged him to a …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • duel — 1 noun (C) 1 a fight with weapons between two people, used in the past to settle a quarrel: The officer challenged him to a duel. 2 a situation in which two people or groups are involved in an angry disagreement 2 verb duelling, duelled BrE,… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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