- field vector
1. вектор напряженности поля
2. связанный вектор
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
field vector — lauko stiprio vektorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. field vector vok. Feldstärkevektor, m rus. вектор напряжённости поля, m pranc. vecteur de l’intensité du champ, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
field vector — lauko vektorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. field vector vok. Feldvektor, m rus. вектор поля, m pranc. vecteur du champ, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
magnetic field vector — magnetinio lauko stiprio vektorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. magnetic field vector vok. magnetischer Feldstärkevektor, m rus. вектор напряжённости магнитного поля, m pranc. vecteur d’intensité de champ magnétique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Vector field — In mathematics a vector field is a construction in vector calculus which associates a vector to every point in a (locally) Euclidean space.Vector fields are often used in physics to model, for example, the speed and direction of a moving fluid… … Wikipedia
Field (physics) — The magnitude of an electric field surrounding two equally charged (repelling) particles. Brighter areas have a greater magnitude. The direction of the field is not visible … Wikipedia
Vector field reconstruction — [ [http://prola.aps.org/pdf/PRE/v51/i5/p4262 1 Global Vector Field Reconstruction from a Chaotic Experimental Signal in Copper Electrodissolution.] Letellier C, Le Sceller L , Maréchal E, Dutertre P, Maheu B, Gouesbet G, Fei Z, Hudson JL.… … Wikipedia
Vector-field consistency — [ designation coined by L. Veiga. ] is a consistency model for replicated data (e.g., objects), described in the paper by cite paper | author=Nuno Santos, Luís Veiga, Paulo Ferreira | date=2007 | title=Vector Field Consistency for Adhoc Gaming|… … Wikipedia
Vector control (motor) — Vector control (also called Field Oriented Control, FOC) is one method used in variable frequency drives to control the torque (and thus finally the speed) of three phase AC electric motors by controlling the current fed to the machine.MethodThe… … Wikipedia
Field — or fields may refer to: * Field (agriculture), an area of land used to cultivate crops for agricultural purposes * Field of study, a branch of knowledge * Playing field, in sports, the area in which the sport is played * Visual field or field of… … Wikipedia
Vector decomposition — refers to decomposing a vector of Rn into several vectors, each linearly independent (in mutually distinct directions in the n dimensional space). Vector decomposition in two dimensions In two dimensions, a vector can be decomposed in many ways.… … Wikipedia
Field-Oriented Control — or vector control is a math intensive technique for controlling brushless dc and ac induction motors [http://www.designnews.com/article/CA6320692.html Chuck Lewin, April 10, 2006: New Developments in Commutation and Motor Control Techniques] ]… … Wikipedia