field of gravity

field of gravity
гравитационное поле, поле тяготения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "field of gravity" в других словарях:

  • Gravity Probe B — ( GP B ) is a satellite based mission which launched in 2004. The spaceflight phase lasted until 2005, and data analysis is currently under way (as of May 2008) and may continue to into 2010 [ [ …   Wikipedia

  • Gravity Probe — (engl. Schwerkraftsatellit bzw. sonde) umfasst eine suborbitale Sonde (A), einen bereits gestarteten (B) und zwei geplante (C) Satelliten, die in Anwendung von Aussagen der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie von Albert Einstein zur experimentellen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gravity Gradiometry — is the study and measurement of variations in the acceleration due to gravity. Gravity gradiometry is a measure of differential acceleration of the earth’s gravity field over a unit distance. It is used by oil, gas and mining companies to… …   Wikipedia

  • Field propulsion — is the concept of spacecraft propulsion where no propellant is necessary but instead momentum of the spacecraft is changed by an interaction of the spacecraft with external force fields. The concepts for such means of propulsion range from… …   Wikipedia

  • Gravity-gradient stabilization — is a method of stabilizing artificial satellites in a fixed orientation using only the orbited body s mass distribution and the Earth s gravitational field. The main advantage over using active stabilization with propellants, gyroscopes or… …   Wikipedia

  • Field-tube boiler — Field tube, sectioned A Field tube boiler (also known as a bayonet tube[1] ) is a form of water tube boiler where the water tubes are single ended. The tubes are closed at one end, and they contain a concentric inner tube. Flow is thus separated… …   Wikipedia

  • field — [fēld] n. [ME feld < OE, akin to Ger feld, Du veld < IE * pelt < base * pele , * pla , flat and broad > L planus, plane, Gr palamē, flat hand] 1. a wide stretch of open land; plain 2. a piece of cleared land, set off or enclosed, for… …   English World dictionary

  • Gravity gun — can refer to various fictional devices: * Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator, a weapon in the computer game Half Life 2 * Gravitational Beam Emitter, a fictional gun used by Killy in the manga series Blame! and NOiSE * Occasionally used to mean… …   Wikipedia

  • Field (physics) — The magnitude of an electric field surrounding two equally charged (repelling) particles. Brighter areas have a greater magnitude. The direction of the field is not visible …   Wikipedia

  • Gravity wave — In fluid dynamics, gravity waves are waves generated in a fluid medium or at the interface between two media (e.g. the atmosphere or ocean) which has the restoring force of gravity or buoyancy.When a fluid parcel is displaced on an interface or… …   Wikipedia

  • Gravity Gun (Half-Life) — For other fictional devices called gravity guns , see Gravity gun. The Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator, or gravity gun is a fictional weapon from the video game Half Life 2 . The weapon is given to Gordon Freeman by Alyx Vance in the Black… …   Wikipedia

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