field life

field life
продолжительность эксплуатации

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "field life" в других словарях:

  • Life extension — refers to an increase in maximum or average lifespan, especially in humans, by slowing down or reversing the processes of aging. Average lifespan is determined by vulnerability to accidents and age related afflictions such as cancer or… …   Wikipedia

  • field — field, domain, province, sphere, territory, bailiwick are comparable when they denote the limits in which a person, an institution, or a department of knowledge, of art, or of human endeavor appropriately or necessarily confines his or its… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Field archery — involves shooting at targets of varying (and often unmarked) distance, often in woodland and rough terrain. One goal of field archery is to improve the techniques and abilities required for bowhunting in a more realistic outdoor setting. As with… …   Wikipedia

  • Life — • The enigma of life is still one of the two or three most difficult problems that face both scientist and philosopher Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Life     Life      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Life support (aviation) — Life support, or aircrew life support, in aviation,is the field centered on, and related technologies used in, ensuring the safety of aircrew, particularly military aviation. This includes safety equipment capable of helping them survive in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Field — or fields may refer to: * Field (agriculture), an area of land used to cultivate crops for agricultural purposes * Field of study, a branch of knowledge * Playing field, in sports, the area in which the sport is played * Visual field or field of… …   Wikipedia

  • Field (sculpture) — Field (1991) is a sculpture by British artist Antony Gormley. It consists of approx. 35,000 [ page=1] individual terracotta figures, each between 8 and 26cm high, installed on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Life imprisonment — or life incarceration is a sentence of imprisonment for a serious crime, often for most or even all of the criminal s remaining life, but in fact for a period which varies between jurisdictions: many countries have a maximum possible period of… …   Wikipedia

  • Field Flowers Goe — (1832–25 June 1910) was an Anglican Bishop of Melbourne. Early lifeGoe was the son of Field Flowers Goe, solicitor. He was born in 1832 at Louth, Lincolnshire, England. He was educated at the grammar school at Louth and Hertford College, Oxford… …   Wikipedia

  • Life (magazine) — Life generally refers to three American magazines: *A humor and general interest magazine published from 1883 to 1936. Time founder Henry Luce bought all rights to this magazine solely so that he could acquire the rights to its name. *A… …   Wikipedia

  • Life Ball — 2007 Der Life Ball (dt. „Lebensball“) in Wien ist die größte Benefiz Veranstaltung in Europa zu Gunsten HIV positiver und AIDS erkrankter Menschen.[1] Hinter dem Life Ball steht der 1992 von Gery Keszler und dem damals selbst betroffenen Ar …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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