- field ionization
- ионизация (электрическим) полем, полевая ионизация
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
field ionization — autojonizacija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Fotonais, elektronais, sunkiosiomis dalelėmis ar stipriu elektriniu lauku sužadintų atomų jonizacija. atitikmenys: angl. autoionization; field ionization; field induced ionization rus.… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
field-ionization vacuum gage — autoemisinis jonizacinis vakuummetras statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. field ionization vacuum gage vok. Feldionisationsvakuummeter, n rus. ионизационный вакуумметр с холодным катодом, m pranc. vacuomètre à émission ionique… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Field ion microscope — Field ion microscopy (FIM) is an analytical technique used in materials science. The field ion microscope is a type of microscope that can be used to image the arrangement of atoms at the surface of a sharp metal tip.It was the first technique by … Wikipedia
Field desorption — [ mass spectrometer at right] Field desorption (FD)/field ionization (FI) refers to an ion source for mass spectrometry first reported by Beckey in 1969. [Beckey H.D. Field ionization mass spectrometry. Research/Development, 1969 , 20(11), 26] In … Wikipedia
Field electron emission — It is requested that a diagram or diagrams be included in this article to improve its quality. For more information, refer to discussion on this page and/or the listing at Wikipedia:Requested images. Field emission (FE) (also known as field… … Wikipedia
field-induced ionization — autojonizacija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Fotonais, elektronais, sunkiosiomis dalelėmis ar stipriu elektriniu lauku sužadintų atomų jonizacija. atitikmenys: angl. autoionization; field ionization; field induced ionization rus.… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Ionization — is the physical process of converting an atom or molecule into an ion by adding or removing charged particles such as electrons or other ions.This process works slightly differently depending on whether an ion with a positive or a negative… … Wikipedia
ionization chamber — Physics. an apparatus for detecting and analyzing ionizing radiation, consisting of a vessel filled with a gas at normal or lower than normal pressure and fitted with two electrodes such that the current between the electrodes is a function of… … Universalium
ionization current — noun : an electric current produced in an ionized gas subjected to an electric field … Useful english dictionary
geomagnetic field — Magnetic field associated with the Earth. It is essentially dipolar (i.e., it has two poles, the northern and southern magnetic poles) on the Earth s surface. Away from the surface, the field becomes distorted. Most geomagnetists explain the… … Universalium
Tunnel ionization — is a process in which electrons in an atom (or a molecule) pass through the potential barrier and escape from the atom (or molecule). In an intense electric field, the potential barrier of an atom (molecule) is distorted drastically. Therefore,… … Wikipedia