field element

field element
мат. элемент поля

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "field element" в других словарях:

  • field — [fēld] n. [ME feld < OE, akin to Ger feld, Du veld < IE * pelt < base * pele , * pla , flat and broad > L planus, plane, Gr palamē, flat hand] 1. a wide stretch of open land; plain 2. a piece of cleared land, set off or enclosed, for… …   English World dictionary

  • Field Records — is a British, Nottingham based independent record label featuring bands such as Ann Arbor, Karhide, LaFaro, Public Relations Exercise, Princess, and Maybeshewill.The label is run by Tim Waterfield.ReleasesCDs*Field001 Ann Arbor 16 bit *Field002… …   Wikipedia

  • field — field, domain, province, sphere, territory, bailiwick are comparable when they denote the limits in which a person, an institution, or a department of knowledge, of art, or of human endeavor appropriately or necessarily confines his or its… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Field hospitals (France) — Field hospitals in France are managed by the SAMU (French emergency medical service.In France, there are two types mobile medical kits ( poste sanitaire mobile or PSM) used: * the level one mobile medical kit (PSM1): it can handle 25 heavy… …   Wikipedia

  • element — [n1] essential feature aspect, basic, basis, bit, component, constituent, detail, drop, facet, factor, fundamental, hint, ingredient, item, material, matter, member, part, particle, particular, piece, portion, principle, root, section, stem,… …   New thesaurus

  • Field (mathematics) — This article is about fields in algebra. For fields in geometry, see Vector field. For other uses, see Field (disambiguation). In abstract algebra, a field is a commutative ring whose nonzero elements form a group under multiplication. As such it …   Wikipedia

  • Field extension — In abstract algebra, field extensions are the main object of study in field theory. The general idea is to start with a base field and construct in some manner a larger field which contains the base field and satisfies additional properties. For… …   Wikipedia

  • Field with one element — In mathematics, the field with one element is a suggestive name for an object that should exist: many objects in math have properties analogous to objects over a field with q elements, where q = 1, and the analogy between number fields and… …   Wikipedia

  • Field of sets — Set algebra redirects here. For the basic properties and laws of sets, see Algebra of sets. In mathematics a field of sets is a pair where X is a set and is an algebra over X i.e., a non empty subset of the power set of X closed under the… …   Wikipedia

  • Field electron emission — It is requested that a diagram or diagrams be included in this article to improve its quality. For more information, refer to discussion on this page and/or the listing at Wikipedia:Requested images. Field emission (FE) (also known as field… …   Wikipedia

  • Field norm — In mathematics, the (field) norm is a mapping defined in field theory, to map elements of a larger field into a smaller one. Contents 1 Formal definitions 2 Example 3 Further properties 4 See also …   Wikipedia

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