Смотреть что такое "fideism" в других словарях:
Fideism — is the view that religious belief relies primarily on faith or special revelation, rather than rational inference or observation (see natural theology). The word fideism comes from fides , the Latin word for faith, and literally means faith ism.… … Wikipedia
Fideism — • A philosophical term meaning a system of philosophy or an attitude of mind, which, denying the power of unaided human reason to reach certitude, affirms that the fundamental act of human knowledge consists in an act of faith, and the supreme… … Catholic encyclopedia
fideism — FIDEÍSM s.n. Concepţie care dă prioritate credinţei religioase faţă de ştiinţă ori le pune pe acelaşi plan. – Din fr. fidéisme. Trimis de LauraGellner, 10.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 fideísm s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar… … Dicționar Român
fideism — 1885, from L. fides “faith” (see FAITH (Cf. faith)) + ISM (Cf. ism) … Etymology dictionary
fideism — [fē′dā iz΄əm, fī′dēiz΄əm] n. [ModL fideismus < L fides, FAITH + ismus, ISM] the view that everything that can be known with certainty about God or divine things is known only or primarily by faith and never by reason alone fideist n. fideistic … English World dictionary
fideism — noun /ˈfʌɪdeɪzəm/ the doctrine that faith is the basis of all knowledge , 1993: We were warned at Cambridge, your grace, of the dangers of what is termed fideism. Anthony Burgess, A Dead Man in Deptford … Wiktionary
fideism — This word (from the Latin fides, meaning faith ) refers to a variety of theological positions that overemphasize faithand minimize reason. Fideism, which enjoyed a degree of popularity in the nineteenth century, was rejected by the First… … Glossary of theological terms
fideism — From the Latin fides, fideism is the position that religious belief is grounded in faith rather than reason or evidence. Fideists disavow any attempt to provide rational grounds for religious belief and may even heighten paradox to attack… … Christian Philosophy
fideism — noun Etymology: probably from French fidéisme, from Latin fides Date: 1885 reliance on faith rather than reason in pursuit of religious truth • fideist noun • fideistic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
fideism — fideist, n. fideistic, adj. /fee day iz euhm, fuy dee /, n. exclusive reliance in religious matters upon faith, with consequent rejection of appeals to science or philosophy. [1880 85; < L fide s. of fides FAITH + ISM; prob. first coined in F… … Universalium
fideism — A view that is pessimistic about the role of reason in achieving knowledge of things divine, and that emphasizes instead the merit of acts of faith … Philosophy dictionary