fiddle faddle
Смотреть что такое "fiddle faddle" в других словарях:
Fiddle Faddle — is candy coated popcorn produced by ConAgra Foods. Introduced in 1967 the snack is commonly found in discount and drug stores. Fiddle Faddle consists of popped popcorn covered with caramel and butter also*Cracker Jack *Screaming Yellow… … Wikipedia
fiddle-faddle — [fid′ l fad΄ l] n., interj. [redupl. of FIDDLE or obs. faddle, to trifle] nonsense vi. fiddle faddled, fiddle faddling Informal to be concerned with trifles; fuss … English World dictionary
fiddle-faddle — 1570s (n.); 1630s (v.), apparently a reduplication of obsolete faddle to trifle … Etymology dictionary
fiddle-faddle — fid dle fad dle, n. A trifle; trifling talk; nonsense. [Colloq.] Spectator. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fiddle-faddle — fid dle fad dle, v. i. To talk nonsense. [Colloq.] Ford. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fiddle-faddle — noun nonsense I can understand why people read horoscopes, but for me its a bunch of fiddle faddle … Wiktionary
Fiddle Faddle (musical composition) — Fiddle Faddle is a musical composition composed by Leroy Anderson. It is considered to be a light classical music composition, sometimes referred to as classical pops music and was published in 1947. Anderson wrote the piece as one of a number of … Wikipedia
fiddle-faddle — fiddle faddler, n. /fid l fad l/, n., v., fiddle faddled, fiddle faddling, interj. n. 1. nonsense. 2. something trivial. v.i. 3. to fuss with trifles. interj. 4. (used to express irritation, impatience, etc.) [1570 80; gradational compound based… … Universalium
fiddle-faddle — /ˈfɪdl fædl/ (say fidl fadl) Colloquial –noun 1. nonsense; something trivial. –verb (i) (fiddle faddled, fiddle faddling) 2. to fuss with unimportant things. {reduplication of fiddle (verb) …
fiddle faddle — Synonyms and related words: absurdity, amphigory, babble, babblement, balderdash, bibble babble, blabber, blather, bombast, claptrap, coquet, dabble, dally, double talk, drivel, drool, fiddle, fiddle with, fiddledeedee, fidget with, finger with,… … Moby Thesaurus
fiddle-faddle — noun Etymology: reduplication of fiddle (fiddlesticks) Date: 1577 nonsense often used as an interjection … New Collegiate Dictionary