- fibers
- Слои
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
fibers — fi·ber || faɪbÉ™(r) n. thin threadlike piece, thread, filament; strand of tissue (Anatomy); material which is composed of fibers; essential structure, basic character … English contemporary dictionary
fibers — briefs … Anagrams dictionary
accessory fibers — fibers of the zonule of Zinn that are perpendicular to the chief fibers and do not reach the lens of the eye, supporting and bracing the fibers running from the ciliary body to the chief fibers; they include the interciliary fibers and the… … Medical dictionary
alveolar fibers — fibers of the periodontal ligament extending from the cementum of the tooth root to the walls of the alveolus, distinguished as alveolar crest, horizontal, oblique, and apical fibers. Called also cementoalveolar f s … Medical dictionary
chief fibers — fibers of the zonule of Zinn that run from the ciliary body to the lens, including the orbiculoposterocapsular, the orbiculoanterocapsular, the cilioposterocapsular, and cilioequatorial fibers; called also main or principal f s … Medical dictionary
hemp fibers — fibers from the cannabis plant, fibers from the stalk of a marijuana plant (used to produce very strong ropes) … English contemporary dictionary
Animal fibers — Fibers that are derived from the hair of animals, including wool from sheep, alpaca hair from alpacas (a relative of camels and llamas), angora from rabbits, camel hair from camels, and cashmere and mohair from goats. Silk fiber is made from… … Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry
alveolar crest fibers — fibers of the periodontal ligament extending from the cementum of the tooth root to the alveolar crest … Medical dictionary
apical fibers — fibers of the periodontal ligament extending from the cementum to the fundus of the alveolus … Medical dictionary
basilar fibers — fibers that form the middle layer of the zona arcuata and the zona pectinata of the basilar membrane in the internal ear … Medical dictionary
Edinger fibers — fibers in the cerebrum of amphibia, forming part of the visual paths … Medical dictionary