- fiberglass
- ˈfaɪbəɡlɑ:s сущ. стекловолокно Syn : glass fiber фиберглас, стеклопластик fiberglass стекловолокно
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
fiberglass — n. a material made of fine glass fibers woven into a fabric like form, and used in applications requiring heat resistance; it is also embedded in resins to make a pliable but strong composite material used as the main component of fishing rods… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fiberglass — [fī′bərglas΄] n. [< FIBERGLAS] finespun filaments of glass like Fiberglas: sometimes fiber glass; Brit. sp.Brit. fibreglass … English World dictionary
Fiberglass — This article is about the plastic composite. For insulation material, see glass wool. For the fiber itself, see glass fiber. Fiberglass (also called glass reinforced plastic, GRP[1], glass fiber reinforced plastic, or GFRP[2]), is a fiber… … Wikipedia
fiberglass — I. noun Date: 1937 1. glass in fibrous form used in making various products (as glass wool for insulation) 2. a composite structural material of plastic and fiberglass II. transitive verb Date: 1967 to protect or repair by applying fiberglass … New Collegiate Dictionary
fiberglass — /fuy beuhr glas , glahs /, n. 1. a material consisting of extremely fine filaments of glass that are combined in yarn and woven into fabrics, used in masses as a thermal and acoustical insulator, or embedded in various resins to make boat hulls,… … Universalium
Fiberglass molding — is a process in which fiberglass reinforced resin plastics are formed into useful shapes.Mold MakingThe fiberglass mold process begins with an object known as the plug or buck. This is an exact representation of the object to be made, and can be… … Wikipedia
Fiberglass spray lay-up process — is similar to the hand lay up process. The difference comes from the application of the fiber and resin material to the mold. Spray up is an open molding composites fabrication process where resin and reinforcements are sprayed onto a reusable… … Wikipedia
fiberglass dermatitis — irritant contact dermatitis from exposure to fiberglass … Medical dictionary
fiberglass\ coffin — An old, tiny car, usually made by a Japanese manufacturer. That guy is driving really agressively, especially considering his fiberglass coffin … Dictionary of american slang
fiberglass\ coffin — An old, tiny car, usually made by a Japanese manufacturer. That guy is driving really agressively, especially considering his fiberglass coffin … Dictionary of american slang
fiberglass plastic — stiklaplastikis statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Plastikas iš stiklo pluošto ar stiklo audinio ir termoreaktyviosios dervos. atitikmenys: angl. fiberglass plastic; glass fiber material; glass fiber plastic; glass reinforced plastic rus.… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas