fiber-preserving mapping

fiber-preserving mapping
мат. отображение, сохраняющее расслоение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fiber-preserving mapping" в других словарях:

  • Diffeomorphism — In mathematics, a diffeomorphism is an isomorphism in the category of smooth manifolds. It is an invertible function that maps one differentiable manifold to another, such that both the function and its inverse are smooth. The image of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Homotopy group — In mathematics, homotopy groups are used in algebraic topology to classify topological spaces. The base point preserving maps from an n dimensional sphere (with base point) into a given space (with base point) are collected into equivalence… …   Wikipedia

  • Representation theory of diffeomorphism groups — In mathematics, a source for the representation theory of the group of diffeomorphisms of a smooth manifold M is the initial observation that (for M connected) that group acts transitively on M .HistoryA survey paper from 1975 of the subject by… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum channel — In quantum information theory, a quantum channel is a communication channel which can transmit quantum information, as well as classical information. An example of quantum information is the state of a qubit. An example of classical information… …   Wikipedia

  • SL2(R) — In mathematics, the special linear group SL2(R) is the group of all real 2 times; 2 matrices with determinant one:: mbox{SL} 2(mathbb{R}) = left{ egin{bmatrix}a b c dend{bmatrix} : a,b,c,dinmathbb{R}mbox{ and }ad bc=1 ight}.It is a real Lie… …   Wikipedia

  • List of mathematics articles (M) — NOTOC M M estimator M group M matrix M separation M set M. C. Escher s legacy M. Riesz extension theorem M/M/1 model Maass wave form Mac Lane s planarity criterion Macaulay brackets Macbeath surface MacCormack method Macdonald polynomial Machin… …   Wikipedia

  • Topos — For topoi in literary theory, see Literary topos. For topoi in rhetorical invention, see Inventio. In mathematics, a topos (plural topoi or toposes ) is a type of category that behaves like the category of sheaves of sets on a topological space.… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbifold — This terminology should not be blamed on me. It was obtained by a democratic process in my course of 1976 77. An orbifold is something with many folds; unfortunately, the word “manifold” already has a different definition. I tried “foldamani”,… …   Wikipedia

  • Volume form — In mathematics, a volume form is a nowhere zero differential n form on an n manifold. Every volume form defines a measure on the manifold, and thus a means to calculate volumes in a generalized sense. A manifold has a volume form if and only if… …   Wikipedia

  • Open book decomposition — In mathematics, an open book decomposition (or simply an open book) is a decomposition of a closed oriented 3 manifold M into a union of surfaces (necessarily with boundary) and solid tori. Open books have relevance to contact geometry, with a… …   Wikipedia

  • Fundamental group — In mathematics, the fundamental group is one of the basic concepts of algebraic topology. Associated with every point of a topological space there is a fundamental group that conveys information about the 1 dimensional structure of the portion of …   Wikipedia

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