few if any
Смотреть что такое "few if any" в других словарях:
few — W1S1 [fju:] determiner, pron, adj comparative fewer superlative fewest [: Old English; Origin: feawa] 1.) [no comparative] a small number of things or people a few ▪ I have to buy a few things at the supermarket. ▪ Pam called to say she s going… … Dictionary of contemporary English
any — an|y [ eni ] function word, quantifier *** Any can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a singular countable noun): It s a puzzle that any intelligent child could solve. (followed by a plural or uncountable noun): Are there … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
any */*/*/ — UK [ˈenɪ] / US adverb, determiner, pronoun Summary: Any can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a singular countable noun): It s a puzzle that any intelligent child could solve. (followed by a plural or uncountable noun):… … English dictionary
any — an|y1 W1S1 [ˈeni] determiner, pron 1.) [usually in questions and negatives] some or even the smallest amount or number ▪ Have you got any money? ▪ Do you need any further information? any of ▪ Are any of the paintings for sale? ▪ They didn t… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Any Number — is a pricing game on the American television game show The Price Is Right . It is played with three prizes: a car, a three digit prize, and the money in a piggy bank (in dollars and cents from $1.02 to $9.87). While the rules of the game… … Wikipedia
few — [adj] hardly any exiguous, few and far between*, imperceptible, inconsequential, inconsiderable, infrequent, insufficient, lean, less, meager, middling, minor, minority, minute, negligible, not many, not too many*, occasional, paltry, petty,… … New thesaurus
few — [ fju ] (comparative fewer; superlative fewest) function word, quantifier *** Few can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a plural noun): Few people live there now. There were a few animals in the barn. as a pronoun: Many… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Any key — refers to a command prompt that will be fulfilled no matter which keyboard button is pressed, and is most often seen on early operating systems that were released before mice became common. Press Any Key does not refer to a button labeled Any on… … Wikipedia
few */*/*/ — UK [fjuː] / US [fju] determiner, pronoun Word forms few : comparative fewer superlative fewest Summary: Few can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a plural noun): Few people live there now. ♦ There were a few animals in… … English dictionary
few — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. not many, little; scant[y], meager, scarce, rare; infrequent; several, two or three, hardly any. See rarity. Ant., many. II (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. not many, scarcely any, hardly any, less, sparse … English dictionary for students
few — 1. adjective 1) police are revealing few details Syn: not many, hardly any, scarcely any; a small number of, a small amount of, one or two, a handful of; little See note at less Ant: many 2) … Thesaurus of popular words