fever pitch

fever pitch
крайняя степень возбуждения, энтузиазма и т. п. to reach (a) fever pitchдостичь крайней степени возбуждения at (a) fever pitch ≈ в состоянии крайнего возбуждения крайняя степень возбуждения, энтузиазма и т. п. - to bring to * привести в крайнее возбуждение (особ. толпу)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fever pitch" в других словарях:

  • Fever Pitch — ist ein autobiographischer Roman von Nick Hornby. Er behandelt das Leben eines Fußball Fans und ist in Form eines Tagebuchs verfasst, wobei jedem Eintrag ein Fußballergebnis vorausgeht. Die Originalausgabe sowie die deutsche Übersetzung… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • fever pitch — fever ,pitch noun singular or uncount a state of great excitement: Excitement remained at a fever pitch until the very end …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • fever pitch — When a situation has reached fever pitch, people are extremely excited or agitated …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • fever pitch — ► NOUN ▪ a state of extreme excitement …   English terms dictionary

  • fever pitch — noun a state of extreme excitement the crowd was at fever pitch • Hypernyms: ↑excitement, ↑excitation, ↑inflammation, ↑fervor, ↑fervour * * * noun : a state of extreme excitement or activity [singular] I worked mys …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fever Pitch — in 2005. Book Fever Pitch was first published in 1992, and was Hornby s first book. It tells the story of the author s relationship with football and with Arsenal Football Club in particular. It consists of a large number of short essays, each… …   Wikipedia

  • Fever Pitch — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Fever Pitch (titre français : Carton jaune) est un roman de Nick Hornby écrit en 1992. Il a été adapté plusieurs fois au cinéma : Fever Pitch… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • fever pitch — n. 1) to reach (a) fever pitch 2) at (a) fever pitch * * * [ fiːvəpɪtʃ] at (a) fever pitch to reach (a) fever pitch …   Combinatory dictionary

  • fever pitch — N UNCOUNT: oft at N If something is at fever pitch, it is in an extremely active or excited state. Frances kept talking, her mind at fever pitch... Campaigning is reaching fever pitch for elections on November 6 …   English dictionary

  • fever pitch — if you say that a feeling or a situation has reached fever pitch, you mean that people s emotions have become so strong that they can only just control themselves. By the time the princess appeared on the balcony, excitement among the crowd was… …   New idioms dictionary

  • fever pitch —    If a situation or feeling reaches fever pitch, it becomes very intense and exciting.     Reaction to the affair has reached fever pitch all over the country …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

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