- fetishism
- сущ. фетишизм
фетишизм (психологическое) навязчивая идея, комплекс;
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Fetishism — • The word fetish is derived through the Portuguese feitiço from the Latin factitius (facere, to do, or to make), signifying made by art, artificial (cf. Old English fetys in Chaucer) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Fetishism … Catholic encyclopedia
fetishism — 1801, worship of fetishes; in the purely psycho sexual sense first recorded 1897 in writings of Henry Havelock Ellis (1859 1939), from FETISH (Cf. fetish) + ISM (Cf. ism). In certain perversions of the sexual instinct, the person, part of the… … Etymology dictionary
fetishism — [fet′ishiz΄əm, fēt′ishiz΄əm] n. [Fr fétichisme] 1. worship of or belief in fetishes 2. Psychiatry an abnormal condition in which erotic feelings are excited by a nonsexual object, as a foot, glove, etc.: Also sp. fetichism fetishist n.… … English World dictionary
Fetishism — This article concerns the concept of fetishism in anthropology. For other uses see Fetish (disambiguation). A fetish (from French fétiche ; from Portuguese feitiço ; from Latin facticius , artificial and facere , to make ) is an object believed… … Wikipedia
fetishism — fetishist, n. fetishistic, adj. fetishistically, adv. /fet i shiz euhm, fee ti /, n. 1. belief in or use of fetishes. 2. Psychiatry. the compulsive use of some object, or part of the body, as a stimulus in the course of attaining sexual… … Universalium
Fetishism — fetichism fe tich*ism, Fetishism Fe tish*ism (? or ?); 277), n.[Cf. F. f[ e]tichisme.] [Written also {feticism}.] 1. The doctrine or practice of belief in fetiches. [1913 Webster] 2. Excessive devotion to one object or one idea; abject… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fetishism — Fetish Fe tish, n., Fetishism Fe tish*ism (? or ?; 277), n., Fetishistic Fe tish*is tic, a. See {Fetich}, n., {Fetichism}, n., {Fetichistic}, a. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fetishism — [[t]fe̱tɪʃɪzəm[/t]] N UNCOUNT Fetishism involves a person having a strong liking or need for a particular object or activity which gives them sexual pleasure and excitement … English dictionary
fetishism — fetish ► NOUN 1) an inanimate object worshipped for its supposed magical powers. 2) a form of sexual desire in which gratification is focused abnormally on an object, part of the body, or activity. 3) a course of action to which one has an… … English terms dictionary
Fetishism of the Commodity — In his analysis of capitalism in Capital Karl Marx introduces his notion of the fetishism of the commodity. Drawing an analogy with religious fetishes where a power is falsely attributed to an object, Marx argues that in capitalism the… … Historical dictionary of Marxism
fetishism of commodities — See commodity fetishism … Dictionary of sociology