- feticide
- сущ.;
мед. умерщвление плода;
аборт вытравливание плода;
аборт feticide аборт
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Feticide — or foeticide is an act that causes the death of a fetus. [ [http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/feticide Definitions of feticide from dictionary.com] .] In a legal context, fetal homicide refers to the deliberate or incidental killing of a… … Wikipedia
Feticide — Fe ti*cide (? or ?), n. [Written also {f[oe]ticide}.] [Fetus + L. caedere to kill.] (Med. & Law) The act of killing the fetus in the womb; the offense of procuring an abortion. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
feticide — fe·ti·cide / fē tə ˌsīd/ n: the act of causing the death of a fetus Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
feticide — also foeticide, 1844; see FETUS (Cf. fetus) + CIDE (Cf. cide) … Etymology dictionary
feticide — [fēt′ə sīd΄] n. [< FETUS + CIDE] the killing of a fetus; illegal abortion feticidal [fēt′əsīd′ l] adj … English World dictionary
feticide — noun a) an abortion, specifically, the killing of a fetus. Notwithstanding the earnest opposition of writers and lecturers and preachers and legislators, the practice of feticide appears to be on the increase. b) one who kills a fetus … Wiktionary
feticide — noun the act of destroying a fetus • Syn: ↑aborticide • Hypernyms: ↑induced abortion * * * feticide see fœ … Useful english dictionary
feticide — noun Date: 1842 the act of causing the death of a fetus … New Collegiate Dictionary
feticide — feticidal, adj. /fee teuh suyd /, n. the act of destroying a fetus or causing an abortion. Also, foeticide. [1835 45; FET(US) + I + CIDE] * * * … Universalium
feticide — Destruction of the embryo or fetus in the uterus. [L. fetus + caedo, to kill] * * * fe·ti·cide or chiefly Brit foe·ti·cide fēt ə .sīd n the action or process of causing the death of a fetus fe·ti·ci·dal or chiefly Brit foe·ti·ci·dal .fēt ə sīd əl … Medical dictionary
feticide — killing of a fetus Killing and Killers … Phrontistery dictionary