- fetial
- (историческое) геральдический, посольский (историческое) связанный с объявлением войны или заключением мира - * law (юридическое) раздел права, трактующий вопросы войны и мира
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
feţial — feţiál s. m. (sil. ţi al), pl. feţiáli Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic FEŢIÁL s. m. (la romani) preot şi magistrat dintr un colegiu de 20 de membri, având funcţia de a împlini formalităţile juridice şi religioase… … Dicționar Român
fétial — ● fétial ou fécial nom masculin Prêtre et magistrat romain dont la fonction était d accomplir les formalités juridiques et religieuses relatives à la guerre. (Les fétiaux procédaient aussi aux cérémonies symboliques de la déclaration de guerre.) … Encyclopédie Universelle
fetial — (adj.) 1530s, pertaining to the Fetiales, the Roman diplomatic corps, a college of 20 priests whose duty was to act as heralds and maintain the laws of war, from L. fetiales speaking, negotiating, diplomatic, of unknown origin … Etymology dictionary
fetial — [fē′shəl] n. [L fetialis < fetiales, pl., college of priests < OL * fetis < IE * dhē ti s, statute < base * dhē : see DO1] in ancient Rome, any of a group of priests who gave advice in the conduct of war, diplomatic negotiations, etc … English World dictionary
fetial — /fee sheuhl/, adj. concerned with declarations of war and treaties of peace: fetial law. [1525 35; < L fetialis pertaining to a fetialis, a member of the Roman college of priests who acted as representatives in disputes with foreign nations] * *… … Universalium
fétial, fétiale, fétiaux ou fécial, féciale, féciaux — ● fétial, fétiale, fétiaux ou fécial, féciale, féciaux adjectif (du latin fetialis) Qui appartient aux fétiaux … Encyclopédie Universelle
FETIAL — fetialis … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
fetial — fe·tial … English syllables
fetial — a. pertaining to declaration of war and peace; heraldic … Dictionary of difficult words
fetial — … Useful english dictionary
fetial law — Same as fecial law … Ballentine's law dictionary