Смотреть что такое "ferrocerium" в других словарях:
Ferrocerium — is a man made metallic material that has the ability to give off a large number of hot sparks when scraped against a rough surface (pyrophoricity), such as ridged steel. Because of this property it is used in many applications, such as clockwork… … Wikipedia
ferrocérium — ● ferrocérium nom masculin Alliage de fer et de cérium, utilisé notamment comme pierre à briquet … Encyclopédie Universelle
ferrocerium — /fer oh sear ee euhm/, n. an alloy of 65 percent misch metal and 35 percent iron, used in flints for cigarette lighters. [ < NL; see FERRO , CERIUM] * * * … Universalium
ferrocerium — noun A pyrophoric alloy of iron and cerium that is used to make the flints for cigarette lighters … Wiktionary
ferrocerium — Смотри Ферроцерий … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
ferrocerium — fer·ro·cerium … English syllables
ferrocerium — noun a pyrophoric alloy of iron with cerium; used for lighter flints • Hypernyms: ↑pyrophoric alloy * * * |fe(ˌ)rō+ noun Etymology: New Latin, from ferro + cerium : a crude iron alloy containing a high percentage of cerium and used for flints in… … Useful english dictionary
Ферроцерий — [ferrocerium] сплав, содержащий > 98 % РЗМ, в том числе > 45 % Се (остальное Fe и примеси). Но применение в ЧМ РЗМ в виде ферроцерия или мишметалла для раскисленяи и модифицирования стали и чугуна менее эффективно, чем разных ферросплавов и… … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Flint — (or flintstone) is a hard, sedimentary cryptocrystalline form of the mineral quartz, [ [http://webmineral.com/data/Quartz.shtml General Quartz Information] Webmineral.com (page contains java applets depicting 3d molecular structure)] [… … Wikipedia
Making fire — A flint, metal implement to strike with it, charred cloth and piece of mushroom Fire was an essential tool in early human cultural development and still important today. Many different techniques for making fire (also called firemaking,… … Wikipedia
Lighter — For other uses, see Lighter (disambiguation). A generic, disposable lighter … Wikipedia