Смотреть что такое "fenite" в других словарях:
Talc carbonate — is a geologic term for a suite of rock and mineral compositions found in metamorphic ultramafic rocks.The term refers to the two most common end member minerals found within ultramafic rocks which have undergone talc carbonation or carbonation… … Wikipedia
Bastnäsite — Infobox mineral name = Bastnäsite category = Carbonate mineral boxwidth = boxbgcolor = imagesize = caption = formula = (Ce,La,Y)CO3F molweight = color = Honey yellow, reddish brown habit = Tabular to equant striated crystals, also granular,… … Wikipedia
Diopside — Bellecombe, Châtillon, Aosta Valley, Italy General Category Silicate mineral Chemical formula … Wikipedia
Fen Complex, Norway — The Fen complex in Nome, Telemark, Norway is a region noted for an unusual suite of igneous rocks. Several varieties of carbonatite are present in the area as well as lamprophyre, ijolite and other highly alkalic rocks. It is the type locality… … Wikipedia
Manitou Islands (Lake Nipissing) — Satellite image of the Manitou Islands View of Lake Nipissing from No … Wikipedia
Lorence G. Collins — Der US amerikanische Petrologe Lorence G. Collins: «Zwei Pfade verzweigten sich im Wald...ich schlug den weniger begangenen ein...das war der Unterschied.» Aus Robert Frost: «The Road Less Taken (Der weniger begangene Weg)» Lorence Gene Larry… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fenitisierung — Fenitisierung, Petrologie: Art der Metasomatose, bei der in den Gesteinen Kalifeldspat und Oligoklas unter Quarzverbrauch in Albit umgewandelt werden; die neuen Gesteine heißen Fenite … Universal-Lexikon