felony murder

felony murder
убийство, совершенное в процессе фелонии (квалифицируется как тяжкое убийство)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "felony murder" в других словарях:

  • felony murder — see murder Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. felony murder …   Law dictionary

  • Felony murder — may refer to*first degree murder. *The felony murder rule, a legal doctrine that broadens the crime of murder in two ways …   Wikipedia

  • felony murder doctrine — A rule that allows a killing that occurs in the course of a dangerous felony, even an accidental death, to be charged against the felon as first degree murder. A felon can be guilty of murder during the course of the dangerous felony even if the… …   Law dictionary

  • felony-murder rule — A rule of law that holds that if a killing occurs during the commission or attempted commission of a felony (a major crime), the person or persons responsible for the felony can be charged with murder. Dictionary from West s Encyclopedia of… …   Law dictionary

  • felony murder rule — n. Doctrine that a death which occurs during the commission of another felony crime, even where the perpetrator did not intend to cause death; for example, during a bank robbery, shall be punishable as murder. Webster s New World Law Dictionary.… …   Law dictionary

  • Felony murder rule — The felony murder rule is a legal doctrine current in some common law countries that broadens the crime of murder in two ways. First, when a victim dies accidentally or without specific intent in the course of an applicable felony, it increases… …   Wikipedia

  • Felony murder and the death penalty — The Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution does not prohibit imposing the death penalty for felony murder. The Supreme Court of the United States has created a two part test to determine when the death penalty is an appropriate… …   Wikipedia

  • felony murder doctrine — At common law, one whose conduct brought about an unintended death in the commission or attempted commission of a felony was guilty of murder (e.g. a homicide committed during an armed robbery). While some states still follow the common law rule …   Black's law dictionary

  • felony murder doctrine — At common law, one whose conduct brought about an unintended death in the commission or attempted commission of a felony was guilty of murder (e.g. a homicide committed during an armed robbery). While some states still follow the common law rule …   Black's law dictionary

  • felony murder — a killing treated as a murder because, though unintended, it occurred during the commission or attempted commission of a felony, as robbery. * * * …   Universalium

  • felony murder — fel′ony mur′der n. crl a killing treated as a murder because, though unintended, it occurred during the commission of a felony, as robbery …   From formal English to slang

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