Смотреть что такое "fellowman" в других словарях:
fellowman — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|man, maa(ə)n noun (plural fellowmen) 1. : a kindred human being the question of the meaning of existence is answered neither by a god nor a fellowman Karl Lowith 2. : fellow human beings a shrewd judge of his fellowman trying to be of… … Useful english dictionary
fellowman — /fel oh man /, n., pl. fellowmen. another member of the human race, esp. a kindred human being: Don t deny full recognition to your fellowmen. Also, fellow man. [1750 60] * * * … Universalium
fellowman — Synonyms and related words: acquaintance, advocate, alter ego, backer, best friend, bosom friend, brother, casual acquaintance, close acquaintance, close friend, confidant, confidante, familiar, favorer, fellow, fellow creature, friend,… … Moby Thesaurus
fellowman — n. kindred human being, another person … English contemporary dictionary
fellowman — fel·low·man … English syllables
fellowman — fel′low•man′ or fel′low man′ n. pl. men a kindred member of the human race • Etymology: 1750–60 … From formal English to slang
Altruism — Selflessness redirects here. For the 1965 jazz album, see Selflessness: Featuring My Favorite Things. Giving alms to the poor is often considered an altruistic action in many cultures and religions. Altruism … Wikipedia
The Wonderful Adventures of Nils (anime) — The Wonderful Adventures of Nils ニルスのふしぎな旅 Genre Fantasy TV anime … Wikipedia
ABOAB, ISAAC I — (end of the 14th century), rabbinic author and preacher; probably lived in Spain. His father seems to have been called Abraham and may have been the Abraham Aboab to whom judah b. asher of Toledo (d. 1349) addressed responsa (Zikhron Yehudah, 53a … Encyclopedia of Judaism
GOD — IN THE BIBLE The Bible is not a single book, but a collection of volumes composed by different authors living in various countries over a period of more than a millennium. In these circumstances, divergencies of emphasis (cf. Kings with… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
PEACE — (Heb. שָׁלוֹם, shalom). In the Bible The verb shalem (so both the perfect, Gen. 15:16, and the participle, Gen. 33:18) in the qal means to be whole, complete, or sound. PEACE. The range of nuances is rather wide. That the iniquity of the Amorites … Encyclopedia of Judaism