- fellow-countryman
- ˈfeləuˈkʌntrɪmən сущ. земляк, соотечественник Syn : compatriot, fellow countryman
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
fellow countryman — noun A person from the same country as oneself or another • • • Main Entry: ↑fellow … Useful english dictionary
fellow-countryman — n. Compatriot … New dictionary of synonyms
fellow-countryman — … Useful english dictionary
countryman — Synonyms and related words: backwoodsman, bumpkin, clodhopper, clown, compatriot, congener, countrywoman, fellah, fellow citizen, fellow countryman, fellow townsman, hayseed, hick, hillbilly, hind, home towner, landsman, muzhik, paesano, paisano … Moby Thesaurus
countryman — [[t]kʌ̱ntrimən[/t]] countrymen 1) N COUNT: usu poss N Your countrymen are people from your own country. He beat his fellow countryman, Andre Agassi, 6 4, 6 3, 6 2. Syn: compatriot 2) N COUNT A countryman is a person who lives in the country… … English dictionary
countryman — n 1. native, indigene, native inhabitant or resident; compatriot, fellow citizen, fellow countryman or countrywoman. 2. rustic, yokel, country bumpkin, peasant, Inf. hayseed, Inf. hick, Sl. rube, (in the Southern U.S.) redneck, bogtrotter;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
countryman — n. (pl. men; fem. countrywoman, pl. women) 1 a person living in a rural area. 2 a (also fellow countryman) a person of one s own country or district. b (often in comb.) a person from a specified country or district (north countryman) … Useful english dictionary
fellow — n. 1 colloq. a man or boy (poor fellow!; my dear fellow). 2 derog. a person regarded with contempt. 3 (usu. in pl.) a person associated with another; a comrade (were separated from their fellows). 4 a counterpart or match; the other of a pair. 5… … Useful english dictionary
countryman — (or countrywoman) noun (plural countrymen or countrywomen) 1》 a person living or born in the country. 2》 a person from the same country as someone else: my fellow countryman … English new terms dictionary
countryman — coun|try|man [ˈkʌntrimən] n plural countrymen [ mən] 1.) sb s countryman someone from your own country = ↑compatriot ▪ It was two years since I d seen any fellow countrymen . 2.) BrE a man who lives in the country rather than in a town or city … Dictionary of contemporary English
countryman, countrywoman — ▶ noun 1 the traditions of his countrymen: COMPATRIOT, fellow citizen. 2 the countryman takes a great interest in the weather: COUNTRY DWELLER, country cousin, son/daughter of the soil, farmer; rustic, yokel … Useful english dictionary