- feel the draught
- (букв. ≈ "чувствовать сквозняк") сл. чувствовать себя не в своей тарелке, беспокоиться;
чувствовать себя непрочно, нестабильно (особенно в финансовом вопросе) нести убытки
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
feel the draught — (figurative) To be unpleasantly conscious of difficult conditions, esp being short of money • • • Main Entry: ↑draught … Useful english dictionary
feel the draught — Suffer inconvenience and hardship (usu. financial) … A concise dictionary of English slang
feel — I UK [fiːl] / US [fɪl] verb Word forms feel : present tense I/you/we/they feel he/she/it feels present participle feeling past tense felt UK [felt] / US past participle felt *** 1) a) [linking verb] to be in a particular state as a result of an… … English dictionary
draught — /draft / (say drahft) noun 1. a current of air, especially in a room, chimney, stove, or any enclosed space. 2. a device for regulating the flow of air in a stove, fireplace, etc. 3. Nautical the fullness of a sail created by the sail maker. 4.… …
feel*/*/*/ — [fiːl] (past tense and past participle felt [felt] ) verb I 1) [linking verb] to be in a particular state as a result of an emotion or a physical feeling I was feeling quite cheerful when we set out.[/ex] Are you feeling ill?[/ex] I feel such a… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
draught — n. & v. (US draft) n. 1 a current of air in a confined space (e.g. a room or chimney). 2 pulling, traction. 3 Naut. the depth of water needed to float a ship. 4 the drawing of liquor from a cask etc. 5 a a single act of drinking. b the amount… … Useful english dictionary
The History of King Lear — 2001, p. 247; Grace Ioppolo, ed., King Lear , New York, Norton Critical Edition, 2008, Introduction, p. xii.] Unlike Shakespeare s tragedy, Tate s play has a happy ending, with Lear regaining his throne, Cordelia marrying Edgar, and Edgar… … Wikipedia
Draught beer — fonts at the Delirium Café in Brussels Draught beer (Draft beer in U.S.) is beer served from a cask or a pressurised keg. Contents 1 History of draught … Wikipedia
draught — draught1 [dra:ft US dræft] n BrE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(air)¦ 2¦(beer)¦ 3¦(game)¦ 4¦(medicine)¦ 5¦(ship)¦ 6¦(swallow)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1100 1200; : Old English; Origin: dragan to pull ; DRAW1 … Dictionary of contemporary English
draught — I UK [drɑːft] / US [dræft] noun [countable] Word forms draught : singular draught plural draughts * 1) cold air that blows into a room and makes you feel uncomfortable 2) British any one of the small round pieces used in the game of draughts. The … English dictionary
The Deposition (Raphael) — Deposition, Pala Baglione Artist Raphael Year 1507 Type Oil on wood Dimensions 184 cm × 176 cm (72 … Wikipedia