- feel one's way
1) букв. пробираться ощупью
2) перен. действовать осторожно
3) перен. выяснять обстановку
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
feel one's way — grope, fumble, find one s way with the hands or sense of touch; progress intuitively or through trial and error … English contemporary dictionary
feel one's way — {v. phr.} To proceed cautiously by trial and error; probe. * /I won t ask her to marry me directly; I will feel my way first./ … Dictionary of American idioms
feel one's way — {v. phr.} To proceed cautiously by trial and error; probe. * /I won t ask her to marry me directly; I will feel my way first./ … Dictionary of American idioms
feel\ one's\ way — v. phr. To proceed cautiously by trial and error; probe. I won t ask her to marry me directly; I will feel my way first … Словарь американских идиом
grope one's way — feel one s way, guess one s way; proceed by trial and error, proceed uncertainly … English contemporary dictionary
feel one's oats — {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. To feel frisky or playful; be eager and excited. * /The horses were feeling their oats./ * /When they first got to camp, the boys were feeling their oats./ 2. To act in a proud or important way. * /The new gardener was… … Dictionary of American idioms
feel one's oats — {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. To feel frisky or playful; be eager and excited. * /The horses were feeling their oats./ * /When they first got to camp, the boys were feeling their oats./ 2. To act in a proud or important way. * /The new gardener was… … Dictionary of American idioms
feel\ one's\ oats — v. phr. slang 1. To feel frisky or playful; be eager and excited. The horses were feeling their oats. When they first got to camp, the boys were feeling their oats. 2. To act in a proud or important way. The new gardener was feeling his oats and… … Словарь американских идиом
feel — [fēl] vt. felt, feeling [ME felen < OE felan, akin to Ger fühlen & L palpare, to stroke < ? IE base * pel , to fly, flutter, cause to tremble > OE fīfealde, Ger falter, butterfly] 1. to touch or handle in order to become aware of;… … English World dictionary
To bring one on one's way — Bring Bring, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Brought}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bringing}.] [OE. bringen, AS. bringan; akin to OS. brengian, D. brengen, Fries. brenga, OHG. bringan, G. bringen, Goth. briggan.] 1. To convey to the place where the speaker is or is to … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
see one's way clear to — (informal) To feel that one will be able to • • • Main Entry: ↑see … Useful english dictionary