feel like doing
Смотреть что такое "feel like doing" в других словарях:
feel like something — feel like (doing) something be inclined to have or do I feel like celebrating … Useful english dictionary
feel like — verb have an inclination for something or some activity (Freq. 12) I feel like staying in bed all day I feel like a cold beer now • Hypernyms: ↑desire, ↑want • Verb Frames: Somebody s something … Useful english dictionary
feel like — spoken to want something, or to want to do something I feel like a cup of coffee. I felt like I needed a walk. feel like doing something: Do you feel like going for a swim? … English dictionary
feel like doing something — want to do something, desire to perform some action … English contemporary dictionary
feel like like doing something — feel like sth/like doing sth idiom (informal) to want to have or do sth • I feel like a drink. • We all felt like celebrating. • He felt like bursting into tears … Useful english dictionary
feel like something doing something — feel like sth/like doing sth idiom (informal) to want to have or do sth • I feel like a drink. • We all felt like celebrating. • He felt like bursting into tears … Useful english dictionary
feel — feel1 W1S1 [fi:l] v past tense and past participle felt [felt] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(feeling/emotion)¦ 2¦(notice)¦ 3¦(feel smooth/dry etc)¦ 4¦(feel good/strange/exciting etc)¦ 5¦(have an opinion)¦ 6 feel like (doing) something 7¦(touch)¦ 8 feel around/on/in … Dictionary of contemporary English
feel — feel1 [ fil ] (past tense and past participle felt [ felt ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 have emotion/feeling ▸ 2 think particular way ▸ 3 touch to learn something ▸ 4 notice something (touching) ▸ 5 be affected by something ▸ 6 give someone a feeling ▸ 7 try… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
feel — [[t]fi͟ːl[/t]] ♦ feels, feeling, felt 1) V LINK If you feel a particular emotion or physical sensation, you experience it. [V adj] I am feeling very depressed... [V adj] I will always feel grateful to that little guy... [V adj] I remember feeling … English dictionary
feel*/*/*/ — [fiːl] (past tense and past participle felt [felt] ) verb I 1) [linking verb] to be in a particular state as a result of an emotion or a physical feeling I was feeling quite cheerful when we set out.[/ex] Are you feeling ill?[/ex] I feel such a… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
like — 1 /laIk/ preposition 1 similar in some way to something else: My mother has a car like yours. | He crawled out of the hut on his belly, like a snake. | very like: He s very like his brother. | look/sound/feel/taste/seem like: The building looked… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English