feel angry

feel angry

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "feel angry" в других словарях:

  • feel angry — be mad, be irate …   English contemporary dictionary

  • angry */*/*/ — UK [ˈæŋɡrɪ] / US adjective Word forms angry : adjective angry comparative angrier superlative angriest Metaphor: Being angry is like being hot or on fire. She burned with indignation. ♦ He has a fiery temper. ♦ Jack was a hot tempered young man.… …   English dictionary

  • angry — an|gry [ æŋgri ] adjective *** 1. ) very annoyed: angry about/at/over: He is very angry about the way he s been treated. Patients are angry at the increase in the cost of medicines. angry with: Are you angry with me? feel angry: I was left… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • feel — [c]/fil / (say feel) verb (felt, feeling) –verb (t) 1. to perceive or examine by touch. 2. to have a sensation (other than sight, hearing, taste, and smell) of. 3. to find or pursue (one s way) by touching, groping, or cautious moves. 4. to be or …  

  • feel —   1. Grope, touch. Hāhā, hāhā hele, hāpapa, ho opāpā, pā, mili, kūpāpā.   2. As emotion. Ike, lohe, komo, loku; o oki (as intoxication).    ♦ To feel angry, pi i ka huhū …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • Angry Kid — is a series of stop motion animations from Darren Walsh at Aardman Animations, depicting the mini adventures of a 15 year old British brat with an attitude problem. Most of the episodes contain adult content.Angry Kid is not claymation as is… …   Wikipedia

  • Feel Tank Chicago — is a Chicago based group composed of activists, artists, and academics that engages both in critical research and political activism. It originally began as a cell in larger project called Feminism Unfinished: the cell was called Public Feelings …   Wikipedia

  • Angry White Pyjamas — is a book written by Robert Twigger about his time in a one year intensive program of studying Yoshinkan aikido.ummaryThe book is set in Tokyo in the mid 1990s. Twigger is living with two friends in a tiny apartment near central Tokyo. They all… …   Wikipedia

  • angry — 01. My father gets really [angry] if I don t get good marks at school. 02. His voice was full of [anger], and his face was bright red. 03. The woman shouted [angrily] at the children to stop teasing the dog. 04. What did you do to [anger] your… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • angry — adj. VERBS ▪ appear, be, feel, look, seem, sound ▪ become, get, grow, turn (esp. AmE) …   Collocations dictionary

  • angry — [[t]æ̱ŋgri[/t]] ♦♦♦ angrier, angriest 1) ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ, oft ADJ at/with/about n When you are angry, you feel strong dislike or impatience about something. She had been very angry at the person who stole her new bike... Are you angry… …   English dictionary

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