feeder pile
Смотреть что такое "feeder pile" в других словарях:
Feeder pile — Накладной стапель; Стопа (бумаги) в самонакладе … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Feeder pile table — Стапельный стол самонаклада … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Flat pile feeder — Плоскостапельный самонаклад … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
High-pile feeder — Высокостапельный самонаклад … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
printing — /prin ting/, n. 1. the art, process, or business of producing books, newspapers, etc., by impression from movable types, plates, etc. 2. the act of a person or thing that prints. 3. words, symbols, etc., in printed form. 4. printed material. 5.… … Universalium
sample preparation — ▪ chemistry Introduction in analytical chemistry (chemistry), the processes in which a representative piece of material is extracted from a larger amount and readied for analysis. Sampling and sample preparation have a unique meaning and special … Universalium
Oxegen 2008 — The Verve headlining Oxegen 08. Location(s) Punchestown Racecourse, County Kildare, Ireland … Wikipedia
Glossary of poker terms — The following is a glossary of poker terms used in the card game of poker. It supplements the Glossary of card terms. Besides the terms listed here, there are thousands of common and uncommon poker slang terms. This is not intended to be a formal … Wikipedia
Mount Cayley volcanic field — Coordinates: 50°07′13″N 123°17′26″W / 50.12028°N 123.29056°W / 50.12028; 123.29056 … Wikipedia
mining — /muy ning/, n. 1. the act, process, or industry of extracting ores, coal, etc., from mines. 2. the laying of explosive mines. [1250 1300; ME: undermining (walls in an attack); see MINE2, ING1] * * * I Excavation of materials from the Earth s… … Universalium
Architecture and Civil Engineering — ▪ 2009 Introduction Architecture For Notable Civil Engineering Projects in work or completed in 2008, see Table (Notable Civil Engineering Projects (in work or completed, 2008)). Beijing was the centre of the world of architecture… … Universalium