- fee-farm
- наследственное арендное пользование землёй, эмфитевзис
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Fee farm — Fee Fee (f[=e]), n. [OE. fe, feh, feoh, cattle, property, money, fief, AS. feoh cattle, property, money; the senses of property, money, arising from cattle being used in early times as a medium of exchange or payment, property chiefly consisting… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fee-farm — feeˈ farm noun (Shakespeare) Tenure by fee simple at a fixed rent without services • • • Main Entry: ↑fee … Useful english dictionary
fee-farm — A species of tenure, where land is held of another in perpetuity at a yearly rent, without fealty, homage, or other services than such as are specially comprised in the feoffment. It corresponds very nearly to the emphyteusis of the Roman law.… … Black's law dictionary
fee-farm — A species of tenure, where land is held of another in perpetuity at a yearly rent, without fealty, homage, or other services than such as are specially comprised in the feoffment. It corresponds very nearly to the emphyteusis of the Roman law.… … Black's law dictionary
Fee farm rent — Fee Fee (f[=e]), n. [OE. fe, feh, feoh, cattle, property, money, fief, AS. feoh cattle, property, money; the senses of property, money, arising from cattle being used in early times as a medium of exchange or payment, property chiefly consisting… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fee-farm rent — The rent reserved on granting a feefarm. It might be one fourth or one third the value of the land. Fee farm rent is a rent charge issuing out of an estate in fee; a perpetual rent reserved on a conveyance in fee simple … Black's law dictionary
fee-farm rent — The rent reserved on granting a feefarm. It might be one fourth or one third the value of the land. Fee farm rent is a rent charge issuing out of an estate in fee; a perpetual rent reserved on a conveyance in fee simple … Black's law dictionary
fee farm rent — The rent reserved in letting a fee farm. See rent charge … Ballentine's law dictionary
fee farm — noun Etymology: Middle English fee ferme, from Anglo French fé ferme, from Old French fé fee, fief + ferme lease more at fee II, farm II : land held of another in fee simple subject to a perpetual fixed rent without homage, fealty, or any other… … Useful english dictionary
fee farm — A letting of lands to farm in fee simple, instead of the usual methods for life or years. See 2 Bl Comm 43. See rent charge … Ballentine's law dictionary
Fee-Farm — See: Farm … Medieval glossary