feasible constrains
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Strategic management — is a field that deals with the major intended and emergent initiatives taken by general managers on behalf of owners, involving utilization of resources, to enhance the performance of firms in their external environments.[1] It entails specifying… … Wikipedia
Electricity sector in Guyana — Source : Guyana Power LightThe objective of Guyana Power and Light (GPL) is to reduce total losses to 15.4% by the year 2010, 10.3% on the technical front plus 5.1% commercial. Guyana Power and Light 2006] Responsibilities in the electricity… … Wikipedia
Controlled Traffic Farming — (CTF) is a management tool which is used to reduce the damage to soils caused by heavy or repeated agricultural machinery passes on the land. This damage and its negative consequences have been well documented and include increased fuel use, poor … Wikipedia
Spinoza: the moral and political philosophy — The moral and political philosophy of Spinoza Hans W.Blom Spinoza as a moral and political philosopher was the proponent of a radical and extremely consistent version of seventeenth century Dutch naturalism. As a consequence of the burgeoning… … History of philosophy
Hermeneutics — Gadamer and Ricoeur G.B.Madison THE HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: ROMANTIC HERMENEUTICS Although the term ‘hermeneutics’ (hermeneutica) is, in its current usage, of early modern origin,1 the practice it refers to is as old as western civilization itself … History of philosophy
Ecology — For other uses, see Ecology (disambiguation). Ecology … Wikipedia
Interplanetary spaceflight — or interplanetary travel is travel between planets within a single planetary system. In practice, spaceflights of this type are confined to travel between the planets of the Solar System. Current achievements in interplanetary travel Remotely… … Wikipedia
Password — For other uses, see Password (disambiguation). A password is a secret word or string of characters that is used for authentication, to prove identity or gain access to a resource (example: an access code is a type of password). The password… … Wikipedia
Alcubierre drive — The Alcubierre metric, also known as the Alcubierre drive or Warp Drive, is a speculative mathematical model of a spacetime exhibiting features reminiscent of the fictional warp drive from Star Trek , which can travel Faster than light (although… … Wikipedia
Ecotourism — Llano del Muerto waterfall in El Salvador … Wikipedia
Perl module — A Perl module is a discrete component of software for the Perl programming language. Technically, it is a particular set of conventions for using Perl s package mechanism that has become universally adopted.[discuss] A module defines its source… … Wikipedia