fault file
Смотреть что такое "fault file" в других словарях:
Fault (legal) — The meaning of fault Different forms of liability employ different notions of fault, in some there is no need to prove fault. Fault basically refers to legal blameworthiness and responsibility in each area of law. It refers to both the Actus Reus … Wikipedia
Privacy in file sharing networks — File sharing peer to peer (P2P) systems like Gnutella, KaZaA, and eDonkey/eMule, took the Internet by a storm in recent years, with estimated user population of millions. Measurements show that about 50% of the file exchanges are illegal copies… … Wikipedia
List of file systems — The following lists identify, characterize and link to more thorough information on computer file systems.Many older operating systems support only their one native file system, which does not bear any name apart from the name of the operating… … Wikipedia
Moose File System — Developer(s) Gemius SA Stable release 1.6.20 / January 17, 2011; 9 months ago (2011 01 17) … Wikipedia
No-fault divorce — Family law Entering into marriag … Wikipedia
Newport-Inglewood Fault — The Newport Inglewood Fault is a right lateral fault in Southern California. The fault extends for 75 kilometers (47 mi) from Culver City southeast to Newport Beach at which point it runs out into the Pacific Ocean. The fault can be seen on… … Wikipedia
General protection fault — This article is about the x86 exception. For the webcomic, see General Protection Fault (webcomic). A general protection fault (GPF) in the Intel x86 and AMD x86 64 architectures, and other unrelated architectures, is a fault (a type of… … Wikipedia
Journaling file system — For the IBM Journaled File System, see JFS (file system). A journaling file system is a file system that keeps track of the changes that will be made in a journal (usually a circular log in a dedicated area of the file system) before committing… … Wikipedia
Distributed File System (Microsoft) — This article is about Microsoft s implementation of DFS. For general discussion of the concept and other implementations, see Distributed file system. Distributed File System (DFS) is a set of client and server services that allow an organization … Wikipedia
Mount Diablo Thrust Fault — The Mount Diablo Thrust Fault, also known as the Mount Diablo Blind Thrust, is a thrust fault in the vicinity of Mount Diablo in Contra Costa County, California. The fault lies between the Calaveras Fault, the Greenville Fault, and the Concord… … Wikipedia
Chaman Fault — The Chaman Fault is a major, active geological fault in Pakistan and Afghanistan that runs for over 850 km.[1] Tectonically, it is actually a system of related geologic faults that separates the Eurasian Plate from the Indo Australian Plate. It… … Wikipedia