fault current

fault current
ток повреждения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fault current" в других словарях:

  • Fault current — A fault current is an abnormal current in an electric circuit due to a fault (usually a short circuit or abnormally low impedance path).In terms of installation wiring, the prospective short circuit current must be known as it influences the… …   Wikipedia

  • fault current — gedimo srovė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. fault current vok. Fehlerstrom, m rus. ток повреждения, m pranc. courant de défaut, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Fault current limiter — A Fault Current Limiter (FCL) is a device which limits the prospective fault current when a fault occurs (eg in a power transmission network). The term is generally applied to superconducting devices, whereas non superconducting devices (such as… …   Wikipedia

  • earth-fault current — įžemėjimo srovė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. earth current; earth leakage current; earth fault current; short circuit current to earth vok. Erdleckstrom, m; Erdschlußstrom, m; Erdstrom, m rus. ток заземления, m; ток замыкания… …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • earth-fault current — įžemėjimo srovė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. earth leakage current; earth fault current vok. Erdleckstrom, m; Erdschlußstrom, m rus. ток утечки на землю, m pranc. courant de court circuit à la terre, m; courant de fuite à la terre …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Fault current limiter —   A device that uses superconductors to limit or reduce instantaneously unanticipated electrical surges that may occur on utility distribution and transmission networks (Source: Superconductivity News Update, U.S. Department of Energy s Office of …   Energy terms

  • fault — [fôlt] n. [ME faute < OFr faulte, a lack < VL * fallita < * fallitus, for L falsus: see FALSE] 1. Obs. failure to have or do what is required; lack 2. something that mars the appearance, character, structure, etc.; defect or failing 3.… …   English World dictionary

  • Current limiting — is the practice in electrical or electronic circuits of imposing an upper limit on the current that may be delivered to a load with the purpose of protecting the circuit generating or transmitting the current from harmful effects due to a short… …   Wikipedia

  • Fault indicator — A fault indicator is a device which provides visual indication of an electrical fault. They are used in electric power distribution networks as a means of automatically detecting and identifying faults. Basic principles During an electrical fault …   Wikipedia

  • Fault (power engineering) — A fault is any abnormal situation in an electrical system in which the electrical current may or may not flow through the intended part/s.Fault is a condition when the current or voltage in any circuit do not flow in the same phase. in other… …   Wikipedia

  • Fault management — In network management, fault management is the set of functions that detect, isolate, and correct malfunctions in a telecommunications network, compensate for environmental changes, and include maintaining and examining error logs, accepting and… …   Wikipedia

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