Смотреть что такое "fatling" в других словарях:
Fatling — Fat ling, n. [Fat + ling.] A calf, lamb, kid, or other young animal fattened for slaughter; a fat animal; said of such animals as are used for food. [1913 Webster] He sacrificed oxen and fatlings. 2 Sam. vi. 13. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fatling — [fat′liŋ] n. [ FAT + LING1] a calf, lamb, kid, or young pig fattened for slaughter … English World dictionary
fatling — /ˈfætlɪŋ/ (say fatling) noun a young animal, as a calf or a lamb, fattened for slaughter. {fat + ling1} …
fatling — noun Date: circa 1534 a young animal fattened for slaughter … New Collegiate Dictionary
Fatling — … Wikipedia
fatling — /fat ling/, n. a young animal, as a calf or a lamb, fattened for slaughter. [1520 30; FAT + LING1] * * * … Universalium
fatling — noun /ˈfatlɪŋ/ A young animal (especially a calf or lamb) which has been fattened for slaughter. Lo I have prepared my dynner, myne oxen and my fatlinges are kylled, and all thinges are redy, come unto the mariage … Wiktionary
Fatling — 1) A fatted animal for slaughter (2 Sam. 6:13; Isa. 11:6; Ezek. 39:18. Comp. Matt. 22:4, where the word used in the original, sitistos, means literally corn fed; i.e., installed, fat). 2) Ps. 66:15 (Heb. meah, meaning marrowy, fat, a… … Easton's Bible Dictionary
fatling — fat·ling || fætlɪŋ n. calf or other animal which has been fattened for slaughter … English contemporary dictionary
fatling — noun a young animal that has been fattened for slaughter … English new terms dictionary
fatling — fat·ling … English syllables