- fatal accident
- несчастный случай со смертельным исходом смертельный случай
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
fatal accident — index fatality Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
fatal accident — noun Fatal accident is used before these nouns: ↑enquiry … Collocations dictionary
Fatal Accident Inquiry — in Scotland, proceedings, instigated by the procurator fiscal before a sheriff to determine the cause of death in certain designated circumstances such as accidents at work or deaths in custody. One feature of the hearing is that the evidence… … Law dictionary
fatal accident — accident resulting in death … English contemporary dictionary
Fatal accident inquiry — A fatal accident inquiry (FAI) is a unique aspect of the Scottish legal system, which is requested by a Procurator Fiscal when a fatal accident has occurred. The legislation underpining this procedure is the Fatal Accident and Sudden Deaths… … Wikipedia
Fatal Accident Reconstruction Team — In certain local police departments in the United States, the Fatal Accident Reconstruction Team is a group of police officers dedicated to investigating motor vehicle accidents that result in death. These type of investigations can involve… … Wikipedia
Fatal Accident Rate — Le Fatal Accident Rate (FAR) ou Taux d Accident Fatal est un indicateur d accidentabilité utilisé pour classer la dangerosité d une activité. Calcul Le FAR correspond au nombre de décès pour une activité donnée rapporté à 100 millions d heures de … Wikipédia en Français
fatal accident — noun an accident that causes someone to die • Syn: ↑casualty • Hypernyms: ↑fatality, ↑human death, ↑accident • Hyponyms: ↑collateral damage … Useful english dictionary
Fatal — may refer to:* Redirect to Death * Fatal (Hussein Fatal album) * Fatal Recordings, a feminist record label * Fatal (rapper), a rapper who collaborated with the band Therapy? on the song Come and Die from the soundtrack to the film Judgment Night… … Wikipedia
fatal — fatal, fateful Both words have to do with the workings of fate, and their complex histories, fully explored by the OED, have often intertwined. Fowler (1926) wrote a fond defence of the special meaning of fateful, ‘having far reaching… … Modern English usage
fatal — adj. 1 causing death VERBS ▪ be, prove ADVERB ▪ nearly (esp. AmE) ▪ He has not driven since his nearly fatal accident earlier this year. (near fatal in BrE) … Collocations dictionary