fat stock
Смотреть что такое "fat stock" в других словарях:
fat stock — or fatˈstock noun Livestock fattened for market • • • Main Entry: ↑fat … Useful english dictionary
fat|stock — «FAT STOK», noun. British. fattened livestock: »Fatstock can best repay the feedbills by being brought precociously to the butcher s scale (New Scientist) … Useful english dictionary
Stock Aitken Waterman — (kurz: SAW) ist ein britisches Musikproduzententeam bestehend aus Mike Stock, Matt Aitken und Pete Waterman, das einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Popmusik in 1980er Jahren ausgeübt hat. Dreizehn ihrer Singles erreichten den ersten Platz der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Stock, Aitken & Waterman — (Equipo de producción) Datos generales Origen Reino Unido Estado … Wikipedia Español
fat´ten|er — fat|ten «FAT uhn», transitive verb. 1. Also, fatten up. to make fat; feed (animals) for market: »The farmer fattened his pigs for market. 2. to make productive; enrich (soil). 3. Figurative. to fill or build u … Useful english dictionary
fat|ten — «FAT uhn», transitive verb. 1. Also, fatten up. to make fat; feed (animals) for market: »The farmer fattened his pigs for market. 2. to make productive; enrich (soil). 3. Figurative. to fill or build u … Useful english dictionary
Stock d'armes nucléaires américain — Stock d armes nucléaires des États Unis Le terme Enduring Stockpile désigne le stock d armes nucléaires des États Unis après la fin de la Guerre froide[note 1]. Durant la Guerre froide, les États Unis ont fabriqué plus de 70 000 armes… … Wikipédia en Français
Stock Market and Investing — angel investor bear tack black swan Bull Market Babies capitulation bottom carve out casino culture … New words
Stock (food) — For other uses, see Stock (disambiguation). Making stock in a pot on a stove top. Stock is a flavoured water preparation. It forms the basis of many dishes, particularly soups and sauces … Wikipedia
Stock route — In Australia, the Travelling Stock Route or TSR is an authorised thoroughfare for the walking of domestic livestock such as sheep or cattle from one location to another. The TSRs are known collectively as The Long Paddock . [… … Wikipedia
fat finger trade — n. An erroneous or inadvertent trade, particularly one that has significant market consequences, caused by a typo. Also: fat finger, fat finger trade, fat fingers trade. Example Citations: A trader at RBS has admitted to making a fat finger trade … New words