fat chance
Смотреть что такое "fat chance" в других словарях:
fat chance — {n. phr.}, {slang} Little or no possibility; almost no chance. * /A high school team would have a fat chance of beating a strong college team./ * /Jane is pretty and popular; you will have a fat chance of getting a date with her./ Compare: GHOST… … Dictionary of American idioms
fat chance — {n. phr.}, {slang} Little or no possibility; almost no chance. * /A high school team would have a fat chance of beating a strong college team./ * /Jane is pretty and popular; you will have a fat chance of getting a date with her./ Compare: GHOST… … Dictionary of American idioms
Fat Chance — is a common phrase, used to convey extreme doubt that a certain event will occur. Fat Chance may also refer to: *Fat Chance (album), a 2001 music album by Paul Heaton. *Fat Chance (novel), a children s novel by Margaret Clark … Wikipedia
fat chance — [n] no chance impossible, not a prayer, no way, snowball’s chance in hell*, unthinkable, very little chance, when hell freezes over*; concept 552 … New thesaurus
fat chance! — This idiom is a way of telling someone they have no chance … The small dictionary of idiomes
fat chance — noun little or no chance of success • Syn: ↑slim chance • Hypernyms: ↑probability, ↑chance * * * (a) fat chance (slang) Little or no opportunity or prospect • • • Main Entry: ↑fat * … Useful english dictionary
fat\ chance — n. phr. slang Little or no possibility; almost no chance. A high school team would have a fat chance of beating a strong college team. Jane is pretty and popular; you will have a fat chance of getting a date with her. Compare: ghost of a … Словарь американских идиом
fat chance (!) — Noun. No likelihood of something happening. E.g. There s fat chance of getting me to do a parachute jump! Exclam. No chance! E.g. Persuade him to do a parachute jump? Fat chance! You ll never get him to do it … English slang and colloquialisms
fat chance (!) — Noun. No likelihood of something happening. E.g. There s fat chance of getting me to do a parachute jump! Exclam. No chance! E.g. Persuade him to do a parachute jump? Fat chance! You ll never get him to do it … English slang and colloquialisms
fat chance — n. a very poor chance. (Sarcastic.) □ Fat chance I’ll ever get a new car. □ Me, get an A? Fat chance … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
fat chance — The expression fat chance is used to indicate that something is not very likely to happen. The boss is thinking of me for the job? Fat chance! … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions