fast wind

fast wind
ускоренная перемотка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fast wind" в других словарях:

  • fast — 1. adj. & adv. adj. 1 rapid, quick moving. 2 capable of high speed (a fast car). 3 enabling or causing or intended for high speed (a fast road; fast lane). 4 (of a clock etc.) showing a time ahead of the correct time. 5 (of a pitch or ground etc …   Useful english dictionary

  • Wind power in Australia — is clean and renewable and a typical wind turbine can meet the energy needs of up to 1000 homes. The technology is proven, fast to build and economical compared with other renewable energy technologies. [… …   Wikipedia

  • Wind [1] — Wind, I. eine im Verhältnisse zur Erdoberfläche fortschreitende, durch Aufhebung des Gleichgewichts der Atmosphäre erregte Bewegung der Luft. Man bezeichnet A) die W e nach der Himmelsgegend, aus welcher sie wehen, theilt zu diesem Zweck den… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • wind instrument — /wind/ a musical instrument sounded by the breath or other air current, as the trumpet, trombone, clarinet, or flute. [1575 85] * * * ▪ music Introduction       any musical instrument that uses air as the primary vibrating medium for the… …   Universalium

  • fast — fast, rapid, swift, fleet, quick, speedy, hasty, expeditious mean moving, proceeding, or acting with great celerity. Fast and rapid are often used without distinction; but fast frequently applies to the moving object and emphasizes the way in… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • wind — wind1 [wīnd] vt. wound or Rare winded, winding [ME winden < OE windan, akin to ON vinda, Ger winden < IE base * wendh , to turn, wind, twist > Arm gind, a ring] 1. a) to turn, or make revolve [to wind a crank] b) to move by or as if by… …   English World dictionary

  • Wind [1] — Wind, die in horizontaler oder nur wenig (in der Ebene selten über 5°) gegen die Erdoberfläche geneigter Richtung auftretende Luftbewegung. Als Richtung des Windes gilt die Weltgegend, aus der er weht, da er von dort charakteristische… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Wind River (Yukon) — Wind RiverVorlage:Infobox Fluss/GKZ fehlt Lage Territorium Yukon, Kanada Flusssystem Mackenzie RiverVorlage:Infobox Fluss/FLUSSSYSTEM falsch Abfluss über …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • fast forward — fast forwards, fast forwarding, fast forwarded also fast forward 1) N UNCOUNT: oft on N If you put a video or cassette tape on fast forward, you make the tape go forwards. Compare rewind. Before recording onto a new tape, wind it on fast forward …   English dictionary

  • Fast ice — (land fast ice, landfast ice) is sea ice that has frozen along coasts ( fastened to them) along the shoals, or to the sea floor over shallow parts of the continental shelf, and extends out from land into sea. In Antarctic, fast ice may also… …   Wikipedia

  • fast-for|ward — «FAST FR wuhrd, FAHST », verb, noun, adjective. –v.t., v.i. 1. to wind a cassette tape rapidly forward. 2. to jump ahead, skip over (a sequence, time, or the like): »Scientists have found reason to suspect that the timetable for this disaster [a… …   Useful english dictionary

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