fast detector
Смотреть что такое "fast detector" в других словарях:
fast detector — spartusis detektorius statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. fast detector; high speed detector vok. Schnellwirkungsdetektor, m rus. быстродействующий детектор, m pranc. détecteur rapide, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Fast atom bombardment — Infobox chemical analysis name = Fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry caption =ThermoQuest AvantGarde MS with quadropule detector and FAB/EI source. acronym = FAB classification =Mass spectrometry analytes = manufacturers = related = Secondary … Wikipedia
high-speed detector — spartusis detektorius statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. fast detector; high speed detector vok. Schnellwirkungsdetektor, m rus. быстродействующий детектор, m pranc. détecteur rapide, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Fast sheet detector — Щуп для контроля подачи листа … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Bat detector — The term bat detector is usually used to describe a device used to detect the presence of bats by converting their echolocation ultrasound signals to audible frequencies as they are emitted by the bats. There are other types of detector which… … Wikipedia
Microchannel plate detector — from the Daresbury Recoil Separator A micro channel plate (MCP) is a planar component used for detection of particles (electrons or ions) and impinging radiation (ultraviolet radiation and X rays). It is closely related to an electron multiplier … Wikipedia
MicroMegas detector — The “Micromegas “ (Micro MEsh Gaseous Structure) detector is a gaseous particle detector coming from the development of wire chamber. Invented in 1992[1] by Georges Charpak and Ioannis Giomataris, the Micromegas detectors are mainly used in… … Wikipedia
Cat's-whisker detector — Galena cat s whisker detector Precision cat s whisker d … Wikipedia
Semiconductor detector — A semiconductor detector is a device that uses a semiconductor (usually silicon or germanium) to detect traversing charged particles or the absorption of photons. In the field of particle physics, these detectors are usually known as silicon… … Wikipedia
Carbon monoxide detector — connected to a North American power outlet A carbon monoxide detector or CO detector is a device that detects the presence of the carbon monoxide (CO) gas in order to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. CO is a colorless and odorless compound… … Wikipedia
Heat detector — A heat detector is a device that responds to changes in ambient temperature. Typically, if the ambient temperature rises above a predetermined threshold an alarm signal is triggered. In the case of sprinkler systems, water will be released to… … Wikipedia