farrow I
Смотреть что такое "farrow I" в других словарях:
Farrow — is a surname, and may refer to* Brad Farrow, Canadian judoka * David Farrow * James Farrow, 19th century politician * John Farrow, film director * Margaret Farrow * Mia Farrow, actress * Prudence Farrow * Richard Farrow * Ronan Seamus Farrow,… … Wikipedia
Farrow — ist der Nachname mehrerer Personen: Brad Farrow (* 1956), kanadischer Judoka Ernie Farrow (1928–1969), US amerikanischer Jazzmusiker George Farrow (1913–1980), englischer Fußballspieler James Farrow (1827–1892), Politiker der Konföderierten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Farrow — Far row, a. [Cf. Scot. ferry cow a cow that is not with calf, D. vaarkoe, vaars, heifer, G. f[ a]rse, AS. fearr bull, G. farre. Cf. {Heifer}.] Not producing young in a given season or year; said only of cows. [1913 Webster] Note: If a cow has had … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Farrow — [ færəʊ], Mia, eigentlich Maria de Lourdes Villiers Farrow [ lurd vil je ], amerikanische Filmschauspielerin, * Los Angeles (Calif.) 9. 2. 1945; Schauspielertochter, die 1963 bei Off Broadway Theatern und 1964 bei Film und Fernsehen begann,… … Universal-Lexikon
Farrow — Far row (f[a^]r r[ o]), n. [AS. fearh a little pig; a akin to OHG. farh, farah, pig, dim. farheli little pig, G. fercel, D. varken pig, Lith. parszas OIr. orc, L. porcus, Gr. po rkos. Cf. {Pork}.] A litter of pigs. Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Farrow — Far row, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. {Farrowed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Farrowing}.] To bring forth (young); said only of swine. Tusser. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Farrow — Farrow, Mia … Enciclopedia Universal
farrow — (n.) O.E. fearh young pig, from P.Gmc. *farkhaz young pig (Cf. M.L.G. ferken, Du. varken, both diminutives, O.H.G. farh, Ger. Ferkel), from PIE *porkos (see PORK (Cf. pork)). Sense of a litter of pigs first recorded 1570s. As a verb, early 13c … Etymology dictionary
farrow — ► NOUN ▪ a litter of pigs. ► VERB ▪ (of a sow) give birth to (piglets). ORIGIN Old English, «young pig» … English terms dictionary
farrow — farrow1 [far′ō] n. [altered (after v.) < OE fearh, young pig < IE * pork̑os, pig (< base * perk̑ , to root up, dig) > L porcus, PORK, MIr orc] 1. Obs. a young pig 2. a litter of pigs vt., vi. [ME farwen] to give birth to (a litt … English World dictionary
farrow — far·row far (.)ō, ə( w) vt to give birth to (a farrow) vi of swine to bring forth young often used with down farrow n 1) a litter of pigs 2) an act of farrowing farrow adj … Medical dictionary