farm work
Смотреть что такое "farm work" в других словарях:
farm|work|er — «FAHRM WUR kuhr», noun. British. a farm hand … Useful english dictionary
farm labor — or laborer Agricultural employment and farm labor are used as practically synonymous and include all farm work and work incidental thereto. Smythe v. Phoenix, 63 Idaho 585, 123 P.2d 1010, 1012. One employed as a laborer on a farm, especially one… … Black's law dictionary
farm laborer — farm labor or laborer Agricultural employment and farm labor are used as practically synonymous and include all farm work and work incidental thereto. Smythe v. Phoenix, 63 Idaho 585, 123 P.2d 1010, 1012. One employed as a laborer on a farm,… … Black's law dictionary
farm labor — or laborer Agricultural employment and farm labor are used as practically synonymous and include all farm work and work incidental thereto. Smythe v. Phoenix, 63 Idaho 585, 123 P.2d 1010, 1012. One employed as a laborer on a farm, especially one… … Black's law dictionary
farm laborer — farm labor or laborer Agricultural employment and farm labor are used as practically synonymous and include all farm work and work incidental thereto. Smythe v. Phoenix, 63 Idaho 585, 123 P.2d 1010, 1012. One employed as a laborer on a farm,… … Black's law dictionary
farm management — ▪ agriculture Introduction making (industrial engineering) and implementing of the decisions (agribusiness) involved in organizing and operating a farm for maximum production and profit. Farm management draws on agricultural economics for… … Universalium
farm — n. 1) to manage, operate, run, work a farm 2) a chicken; collective; dairy; poultry; private; sheep; stock; truck (AE) farm 3) on a farm (to work on a farm) * * * [fɑːm] collective dairy operate poultry private … Combinatory dictionary
farm laborer — One employed upon a farm in raising and harvesting crops, doing general farm work, or employed in a special line of farm work, such as production of milk for distribution over a retail milk route. 3 Am J2d Agri § 3. One employed in the… … Ballentine's law dictionary
work camp — noun a camp for trustworthy prisoners employed in government projects (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑prison camp, ↑prison farm • Hypernyms: ↑camp * * * noun : a camp for workers: as … Useful english dictionary
Farm Radio International — / Radios Rurales Internationales Farm Radio International logo Geographical target area Abbreviation … Wikipedia
farm — [färm] n. [ME < OFr ferme < ML firma, fixed payment, farm < firmare, to farm, lease, orig., to make a contract < L, to make firm, secure < firmus, FIRM1] 1. a) Obs. a fixed sum payable at regular intervals, as rent or taxes b) the… … English World dictionary