farm resources

farm resources
сельскохозяйственные ресурсы, сельскохозяйственные запасы, денежные средства/ресурсы сельскохозяйственного предприятия

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "farm resources" в других словарях:

  • Farm to School — is a program through which schools buy and feature locally produced, farm fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables, eggs, honey, meat, and beans on their menus. Schools also incorporate nutrition based curriculum and provide students with… …   Wikipedia

  • farm management — ▪ agriculture Introduction       making (industrial engineering) and implementing of the decisions (agribusiness) involved in organizing and operating a farm for maximum production and profit. Farm management draws on agricultural economics for… …   Universalium

  • Farm — For other uses, see Farm (disambiguation). Farmland in the USA. The round fields are due to the use of center pivot irrigation …   Wikipedia

  • Farm team — In sports, a farm team, feeder team or nursery club, generally refers to a team or club whose role is to provide experience and training for young players, with an agreement that any successful players can move on to a higher level at a given… …   Wikipedia

  • Farm (disambiguation) — A farm is a section of land dedicated to agriculture (production of food and other crops). The verb to farm is the generally used to mean the act of cultivating land or breeding animals for agricultural purposes, and has other uses which apply… …   Wikipedia

  • Farm to Market Road 1171 — Infobox TX State Highway type=Farm route=1171 length mi=16.45Texas Department of Transportation, [] ] Texas Department of Transportation, [] ]… …   Wikipedia

  • farm animal genetic resources — ūkinių gyvūnų genetiniai ištekliai statusas Aprobuotas sritis ūkinių gyvūnų ir paukščių genetiniai ištekliai apibrėžtis Naudojamos arba galimos naudoti žmogaus ūkinėje veikloje ūkinių gyvūnų rūšys, veislės, populiacijos arba jų dalys, taip pat… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • farm animal genetic resources — Those animal species that are used, or may be used, for the production of food and agriculture, and the populations within each of them. Within each species, these populations can be classified as wild and feral populations, landraces and primary …   Glossary of Biotechnology

  • Norristown Farm Park — Pennsylvania State Park Natural Monument (IUCN III) The main barn at Norristown Farm P …   Wikipedia

  • Water resources — A natural wetland Water resources are sources of water that are useful or potentially useful. Uses of water include agricultural, industrial …   Wikipedia

  • Natural Resources Conservation Service — Agency overview Formed April 20, 1932 Preceding agency Soil Erosion Service …   Wikipedia

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