Смотреть что такое "fansy" в других словарях:
Fansy — This very unusual surname recorded in the spellings of Fancy, Fansy, Fennessy, Phinnessy, and Finessy, is of medieval Irish origins. According to our research and to the famous book on Irish surnames by MacLysaght, the surname is mostly found in… … Surnames reference
Fancy — This very unusual surname recorded in the spellings of Fancy, Fansy, Fennessy, Phinnessy, and Finessy, is of medieval Irish origins. According to our research and to the famous book on Irish surnames by MacLysaght, the surname is mostly found in… … Surnames reference
Fennessy — This very unusual surname recorded in the spellings of Fancy, Fansy, Fennessy, Phinnessy, and Finessy, is of medieval Irish origins. According to our research and to the famous book on Irish surnames by MacLysaght, the surname is mostly found in… … Surnames reference
Finessy — This very unusual surname recorded in the spellings of Fancy, Fansy, Fennessy, Phinnessy, and Finessy, is of medieval Irish origins. According to our research and to the famous book on Irish surnames by MacLysaght, the surname is mostly found in… … Surnames reference
Phinnessy — This very unusual surname recorded in the spellings of Fancy, Fansy, Fennessy, Phinnessy, and Finessy, is of medieval Irish origins. According to our research and to the famous book on Irish surnames by MacLysaght, the surname is mostly found in… … Surnames reference
Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica — Title page of Principia , first edition (1687) Original title … Wikipedia
De motu corporum in gyrum — (Latin: On the motion of bodies in an orbit ) is the (presumed) title of a manuscript by Isaac Newton sent to Edmond Halley in November 1684. It followed a visit by Halley earlier in that year, when Halley had questioned Newton about problems… … Wikipedia
The Governess, or The Little Female Academy — The Governess, of The Little Female Academy (published 1749) by Sarah Fielding is the first full length novel written for children, [Fielding, Sarah (with an introduction and bibliography by Jill E. Grey). 1749, 1968. The Governess or, The Little … Wikipedia
Hhgregg — Infobox Company company name = hhgregg, Inc. company | company type = Public company foundation = 1955 location = Indianapolis, Indiana, USA key people = Jerry W. Throgmartin Chairman CEO Dennis L. May President and Chief Operating Officer and… … Wikipedia
Фантазия — (от греч. pantaoia воображение; лат. и итал. fantasia, нем. Fantasie, франц. fantaisie, англ. fancy, fansy, phancy, fantasy). 1) Жанр инструментальной (изредка вокальной) музыки, индивидуальные черты к рого выражаются в отклонении … Музыкальная энциклопедия
Тральщик Тип «AM» — Тральщик Тип «AM» Бывшие американские, переданные СССР по ленд лизу. Т 111 (до 7.07.1943 г. АМ.138 Advocate), с 13.04.1943 г. «Старший лейтенант Лекарев», с 3.11.1956 г. ТВ 25, с 14.05.1963 г. ПКЗ 35 Заложен 8.04.1942 г. на… … Военная энциклопедия