- fanciness
- Fanciness
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
fanciness — fancy ► VERB (fancies, fancied) 1) Brit. informal feel a desire for. 2) Brit. informal find sexually attractive. 3) regard as a likely winner. 4) imagine. 5) used to express surprise: fancy that! … English terms dictionary
fanciness — noun see fancy III … New Collegiate Dictionary
fanciness — See fancily. * * * … Universalium
fanciness — noun The property of being fancy … Wiktionary
fanciness — n. showiness; imaginativeness … English contemporary dictionary
fanciness — fan·ci·ness … English syllables
fanciness — sēnə̇s, sin noun ( es) : fancy quality or form; often : overly elaborate or studied quality (as of literary style) … Useful english dictionary
fancy — fanciness, n. /fan see/, n., pl. fancies, adj., fancier, fanciest, v., fancied, fancying, interj. n. 1. imagination or fantasy, esp. as exercised in a capricious manner. 2. the artistic ability of creating unreal or whimsical imagery, decorative… … Universalium
Obi (sash) — Two young women wearing kimonos climbing the staircase of Kiyomizu, a Buddhist temple. The obis have been tied in the common drum bow, taiko musubi. Obi (帯, おび, , literally sash … Wikipedia
fancy — I. transitive verb (fancied; fancying) Date: 14th century 1. to have a fancy for ; like 2. to form a conception of ; imagine < fancy our embarrassment > 3. a. to believe mistakenly or without evidence … New Collegiate Dictionary
Testimony of Simplicity — The Testimony of Simplicity is the Quaker belief that a person ought to live his or her life simply in order to focus on what is most important and ignore or play down what is least important. It is the practice among Quakers (members of the… … Wikipedia