family income
Смотреть что такое "family income" в других словарях:
Family income — is generally considered a primary measure of a nation s financial prosperity.In the United States, political parties perennially disagree over which economic policies are more likely to increase family income. The party in power often takes the… … Wikipedia
Family Income Benefit Insurance — pays a monthly income if the policyholder dies whilst the policy is in force. The monthly income will continue at the level specified in the policy until the policy s termination date. These payments can either be index linked to rise to in line… … Wikipedia
family income supplement — noun A payment by the state to a family whose income from employment is below a certain level • • • Main Entry: ↑family … Useful english dictionary
Family Income Support — Family Income Sup|port money given by the British government to people in Britain who are unemployed and have children … Dictionary of contemporary English
Family Income Rider — An addition to a life insurance policy that provides the beneficiary with an amount of money equal to the policyholder s monthly income if the policyholder dies. A family income rider is a type of death benefit, and specifies the term for the… … Investment dictionary
family income supplement — noun a tax free fortnightly government payment in addition to the family allowance payment, to provide additional support to low income families with children who are under 16 years or who are dependent full time students under 25 years. Abbrev …
family income policy — noun : a term insurance policy on the life of a breadwinner providing special income benefits beyond the face amount that continue for the remainder of the child rearing period after the death of the insured … Useful english dictionary
median family income — An annual income figure representing the point at which there are as many families earning more than that amount as there are earning less than that amount. The Census Bureau publishes median family income figures for each state each year,… … Law dictionary
median family income — Under Title 11 U.S.C. Section 101: (39A) The term median family income means for any year (A) the median family income both calculated and reported by the Bureau of the Census in the then most recent year; and (B) if not so calculated and… … Glossary of Bankruptcy
Income inequality in the United States — is the extent to which income, most commonly measured by household or individual, is distributed in an uneven manner. While there seems to be consensus among social scientists that some degree of income inequality is needed, the extent of income… … Wikipedia
income tax — a tax levied on incomes, esp. an annual government tax on personal incomes. [1790 1800] * * * Levy imposed by public authority on the incomes of persons or corporations within its jurisdiction. In nations with an advanced system of private… … Universalium